Grian's Story(mermaid au)

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Grian felt trapped- probably because he was. He had been taken from his home with his friends and shoved into this tank to be "monitored". His tail twitched nervously as the door leading to the outside opened. He had no idea what was going on, but 'They' had told him they had a "surprise" for him, but he didn't buy it. Any other time 'They' had given him a surprise it almost always ended in a fight.

Suddenly, he felt his tank being pushed, glancing around, he noticed it was a small cart with wheels. Once the tank was on the cart, the scientists grabbed a handle and began to pull the tank, and Grian, outside.

Grian had forgotten how beautiful the sky was. The sun was just rising as the hat-wearing man lifted him into the back of a truck with the help of the other man. Once they made sure he was secure, they got into the car and began to drive. To Grian, it felt like he spent hours on that drive, but really it was only about 30 minutes.

The truck came to a sudden stop, causing the water in the tank to jostle, making Grian's stomach twist. Looking around, he didn't recognize the place, but he did note the large lake to the right of the truck. The two men came out and loaded him back onto a cart, and began bringing him toward the waters. Grian looked at both men curiously. The one on the right had taken off his white hat, and the one on the left hadn't taken his eyes off the tank and it's contents.

This made Grian a bit nervous, but his worries were easily forgotten as they lowered the tank into the water and opened the hatch on the side. Both of them were smiling brightly, even though they did get their pants wet.

Grian looked at the two expectantly, and the one on the right made a shoo-ing motion, encouraging him to leave the tank. And he did. He immediately felt happier than he had in ages, and he dived down and popped back up, smiling brightly with his sharp teeth.

The two men had begun to pack up their things back into the truck, and Grian waved to them. They waved back as they got into the truck and left Grian alone in these new waters. To Grian, it was a dream come true, but to the men, it was a horrible thing. Those waters were rumored to hold the most fearsome creatures, but they hoped that the young merman could take it.

Not a word was spoken that day, but there was no need to. He knew what was going on and had been grateful, and that's all the two men could ever want.

(466 words)

Okay guys I dunno if I should explain more about this au or if I should leave it to be discovered but either way feel free to ask questions cuz GOD do I wanna infodump

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