Oh hey Mumbo(mermaid au)

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The sound of a car door slamming closed made Mumbo jump. Looking up toward the surface, he saw the faint outline of a tail swishing back and forth, but he just brushed it off, thinking it was just another hermit investigating the sound, and he set back to work.


Grian swam in circles near the surface, thinking. He was sure that there were others in this lake, as there was light shining from the depths, but he wasn't sure about how they'd feel about a newcomer. Finally, after a long while of thinking, he decided to swim a bit deeper toward some of the light.

As he swam around, he noticed an interesting structure and went to investigate. It was round, well lit and full of chests. Suddenly, Grian noticed something moving in the corner of his eye, and he quickly hid in some kelp. He watched as the figure swam from chest to chest, seeming to be looking for something. Grian waited for his eyes to adjust to the darker waters, and once they had, he noted that the person had an off-white tail with red mixed in, and wore what looked like a dark blue suit. Grian was just watching as the man turned toward him as he continued on his search. The man's face was hard to make out behind the wall of kelp, but Grian could tell he had quite the mustache. Something seemed very familiar...


Mumbo frantically went through his many chests. He really needed to sort all this out, but he didn't have the time. Right now, he needed to find his bunch of Redstone. He turned to look in his other chests, and as he dug through them, he thought he could spot a silhouette behind a wall of kelp. He assumed it was a Drowned and grabbed his sword. The person flinched and swam back a bit. Mumbo, curious made sure to put a torch in his other hand, so he could see, and began to swim toward the figure. Before he could even reach the bunch of kelp, he heard a voice coming from above.

"Mumbo!" The squid-like man said as he swam towards Mumbo "Did you hear?"

"Hear what, Iskall?" Mumbo questioned.

"Doc said he saw a truck drive nearby here earlier, apparently the truck had someone stuck in a tank in the back! Can you believe that? What if there's someone new here?"

Mumbo turned toward the kelp where he thought he saw the figure, but it was gone. Finding Redstone could wait.

(418 words)

yknow I should probably figure out everyone's species before I do this but like. naw. when I have everyone drawn I will post them tho! I cannot, for the life of me, get these guys personalities down, so :( lots of OOC but oh well!! I'm making all of this up on the spot so bear with me if I'm slow

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