The Monday I Meet Him

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Monday, 5:32 am
I wake up and look at my clock, oh. It's 5:33am. I'm early. Well, that's a new one. I start to go to the bathroom and try to refresh my face to wake up. I then go down and do my stretches and exercises before I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast. Once I was done with those, I took a bath and did my daily face routine. And chose a really cute outfit:

Adorable AF!Anyways, I still had time to spare

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Adorable AF!
Anyways, I still had time to spare. It was about..6:38 am, and~ I thought it was a good time to walk to school so I could have a bit more exercise.

I go outside, and it was freezing! I guess I made the right choice in wearing my jacket today, hahah. Anyways, I start to walk as I see that someone just moved next to my house. I tried to look but couldn't. I tried to get my glasses from my messy bag which I should've arranged earlier.

When I found my glasses, I put it on and saw that there were actually koreans moving in beside my house. Just Great! I couldn't be bothered much more by my roommate who keeps me up all night by her loud kpop music and does not even bother to wake me up before she goes to school. Way to go Krystal! I bet she'd blow her head off when she finds out that we're having korean neighbors,hahah.

So,anyways, I continue to walk and clinch on my jacket while I walk to school as I slowly enjoyed the soft breeze through my hair.

From where I live, it's a really beautiful neighbourhood. Where the gardens are always neat. At 5:00pm sharp, people would start walking their dogs. And it would be quiet most days. But in a warm and relaxing way though not creepy. Hahah.

Right when I arrived to school, I was greeted by Mr. Kim, our school's director, followed by Mr&Mrs. Maniey, our school's prinicipal and Secretary.

"Oh hello there, Miss Cazett. How are you?" Greeted Mr. Kim. "I'm fine, thank you Mr. Kim." I greeted back with a warm smile. "So, what are you up to nowadays?" He asks. "Well, I'm pretty hectic, and we have ALOT of assignments, projects and homework..." I answer. "Oh..I see.." he sighs. " But that's okay! Studying hard is a job of a student isn't it? And plus! I am also glad and thankful that you chose me as this school years transferee school guide, ahahah." I giggle. "Ah! Right, you are giving the new transferee's a school tour and guide today right?"he said as we started to slowly walk through the school's feild.
I then nod my head with excitement answering his question.

I mean, I am not that excited, but I really do have my respects and kindness to elders. But I still do NOT know how I became a favourite student.

He sighs again

Narrators POV
Mr. Kim sighs as he felt awful that of all the students, she's the only one who is always polite and hardworking. He was overwhelmed with happiness that he had such a student in his school.

Alexi's POV

"You know Alexi, it's still about 7:02am and your class still starts at 7:15am. Hahah, I'm actually surprised your early today. Anyways,You still have a bunch of minutes left, how about you walk around the field or go to the school garden? Because, as much as I really push students to study hard and take less breaks, I guess you deserve one since you so study hard and your hardworking all the time. You never seem to fail or upset your parents or teachers. I suggest you could rest for a while." Mr. Kim said with a warm smile. I'm actually touched he said that! He makes me want to study more for some reason hahah.

I nodded my head before we separated ways. Mr. Kim went to the office, while I was heading to the garden.

In the schools garden, there is a specific secret area deep inside the garden. Only I know that place, and I've known it for actually quite a while now. From there you can see the whole school. It's kinda like a balcony with leaves around it and there's like a very soft couch there. It's clean since I cleaned it. I never ever brought anyone there because I find it a very special place in my heart. It's where I relieve my stress from reality.

Anyways, while I was looking out on the tiny balcony when I saw 3 koreans entering the gate.
It was about 7:10am and I'm excused for 3 subjects to tour the students. So, I guess I basically have to stick with these 3 students for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I guess I should head down now since the school is pretty big. I even got lost trying to find the school entrance when I first got here, hahah.

I quickly grabbed my stuff before I went down to the gate. I look back at my clock and see that it's already 7:13 am. I start to walk up to them and saw their nervous expressions once I turned to them. I giggled to assure them a relief smile.

But this time when I saw them. I only saw 2. Huh. And I thought they would all be 3. Anyways..

"Hello! You seem lost. Do you need any help?" I start to ask the 2 to make sure they were actually the new transferee's here.
"Ah! Ye. Uhm. Do you- uhm...ahh.. know where the-.. uhmm opis is?" The girl starts to stutter struggling to speak in English. "Ahh! You mean the office?" I correct them. "Ye! Ye! Office!" They start to look embarrassed. "Sorry, we not good in english. Our bad!" The guy next to her stutters aswell.

"아이고!!영어가 너무 어렵다.(Ugh! English is so hard!)" he mutters in korean in annoyance as another korean appears.

Pfft. What's funny is I dont like koreans and stuff but was forced to learn their language from my language course. And it's actually funny to hear them complain without them knowing I can understand everything single thing they mumble. I think it wouldn't bad to tease, hahah. I mean, after all, they are here to learn english right?

"Oh! Sorry, sorry. I just came from the vending machine to buy water. I hope I didn't trouble you much with my sister and friend. I know they cant speak fluently but hopefully you probably understood what they said." Surprisingly, the other korean was very fluent in english! Awwww dang it! It wont be that much fun anymore:( ....

Before I was about to talk, I was cut by the girl who seems to be his sister. "!!!어디 계셨습니까?!  나는 당신이 알고있는 영어를 말할 없다! ( HEY! Where have you been?! You know I cant speak english very well!..*continues to nag in korean)" she starts yelling.
I then snorted and giggled when they started to look at me. "Can you understand us?" Says the fluent korean. "Eh? Ahh! No, I can't. I just thought it was actually funny that I couldn't understand a thing you say in korean." I let out an innocent-like smile as I lied.
"Okay?..." he said giving all of them a confused face with a smile on their face.

I'm hoping this will be interesting...


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