58: I'm Coming To Get You

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Just as Blake is leaving the living room, Mason's voice break the silence. "Where is he going??" A question that I think I already know what the answer is. "Wherever it is, I just hope that Blake is not doing anything stupid..we all know how reckless he can be especially when it's comes to Helena.." James is sighing while saying that. I honestly don't know how deep is their relationship because they only start dating each other just recently. But even if they did not seeing each other, I know that he truly care for her.

"I'm going to go with Blake. You guys just stay here with Emma and Jia. If there is any update at all about Helena from the police, inform me A.S.A.P.." Without waiting for them to answer me, I rush in hurry to get to Blake. Just as he is about to open the car's door, I stop him. "Where do you think you're going???" Well, I must say he looks like he is about to explode anytime soon. "I'm not gonna sit here and do nothing.." He reply, shortly.

"Yeah, me too. Let's go and find where the hell is she..I bet we could try something..It's time to use all the 'cable' that we had due to our family don't you think??" I say that while smirking a little while mentioning the so known 'cable' . I think we could pull something out. Both of Blake and my family has the high influence in this town. Our family which is our great grandfather was one of the founder of this town. And plus, he is the Mayor's only son, who could resist him?? I bet no one could. "Are you in??" I ask.

Blake looks at me with his eyes that is fucking full with determination. Determine to find where the hell is she. "I AM SO.. FUCKING IN" I smile a little before going into his car. "Let's get started.." I say to Blake who's speeding like crazy right now. Our destination is to the house of the person that has a very big brain, and a fucking lot of information, Tommy. He is a damn good hacker. He could get into the police data system in a seconds.


About 35 minutes speeding like hell, we arrive at Tommy's house. "May the God save me..Why would the Satan and Lucifer visit me on such a good day right now??" A boy with a glass, and a grey hoodie open up the door for us. That's Tommy, our Rivendale's High nerd but with a big brain. "Where is your parent??" Blake storm into his house without even waiting for the poor boy to invite us in. I just sigh. "They went to my grandma's house. Wait, wait..hold on a seconds..why are you asking about my parent??"

"Less disturbance..fucking great. We want you to do something.." Blake quickly reply after hearing Tommy's answer. "And what it is that you guys need me to do?? Seeing that you both even came to my house, it's must be something important.."

"Yes it is. It's fucking important. We need you to hack into the police data system.." I reply.

"The police data system!???" He looks very damn well in shock. "Yes Tom. The police data system.." Once again I sigh while replying to him. This boy is making me repeating myself twice. If it only not that we really need him to find Helena, I think that my punch could already land on his nerdy face right now.

"Are you guys freakin kidding me?? The police?? Out of many data system in our town, you want me to hack into the police data system!?? It's a suicide mission!! No. I'm not doing it.."

Blake suddenly let out a small sarcastic chuckles that leave both of me and Tom fucking dumbfounded. Is he finally losing it?? He then stop, and he looks straight into Tom's puppy eyes. If only looks could kills. "Tom, do we looks like we're FUCKING ASKING you??" Tom is currently looks terrified.

Before Blake could even become more insane than he already is towards Tom, I try something that maybe could convince this nerd. "Oh right Tom! I almost forgot..your grandma's house is under my dad's land is it?" Tom can't help himself but to slowly nod at me with his unbelivable expression.

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