59: Fucking Madly In Love With Her

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About 15 minutes later after speeding like hell, we arrive at the abandon car workshop. We could already see that the police is already there and there were about five police's car, with two ambulance park in front of it. "Sir! You're not allowed to go in there!!" One of the police try to stop me from going in. Fuck. "I am her fucking brother you asshole!!" Raymond suddenly storm towards the police officer.

"I'm afraid that you still can't go in there sir..It's dangerous both for you and your sister. Just leave it to the polices to handle.." The motherfucker trys to convince him.

"You know what, FUCK YOU!! Get the hell out from our way or I swear to god..." My sentences is cut off by Raymond when he suddenly punch that poor officer. Because of that, even more police officers come to stop us from getting in after watching their friend fell down due to the hit. Shit. "And now we're stuck! Well done Ray..what a nice plan you got right there.." I say to him in disbelief.

"Let's just handle with the aftermath later, after she's safe.. Right now, let's kick some ass!!" He is still can manage to gives me a little smirks before we both starts to fight with the polices that try to stop us from getting in. Damn. This will take some time. It's not some boys from the high school, it's the fucking polices officer, with a GUN. Good job Ray, good job. I sigh a little while joining Raymond and the rest of the polices.


"Freeze!! Do not move!! Drop the weapon and raise up your hand!!!" Suddenly a few police man storm into the workshop with their gun. I don't know why, but I cry. Seeing the police came to save me, and knowing that I am no longer alone with this evil person makes me feel a whole lot of mix emotions. "Don't move, or we'll shoot!!! Raise up your hands!!" Once again the police is yelling to her.

"Octavia, listen to the police!!!" So her name is Octavia?? Why does it sound so familiar?? A women that looks like she is in the middle of thirties try to convince her. I don't know who she is, but I am sure she is not with the police. She looks like a doctor. Octavia still holding the knife while facing me. She's not even care for the fact that a few polices is currently behind of her with a gun pointing towards her back. She looks at me with hatred. Even with the polices, I admit that I am still scared of her. She could do anything to me. My eyes is focus on the knife that she holds.

"Drop the knife!!!!" Once again, the police warn her. "Octavia please!! Drop it now.." The woman also still trying to convince her. I could tell that the woman care for her. Suddenly, all of us are startles by Octavia's sudden laugh. God, did she just laugh?? In this situation??

"Do think that you could run from me Helena?? Do you think that they could save you from me now that they're here!??" I looks at her in horror, and silence.

"All units standby!! Any movement from the suspect, all of you are allows to shoot the suspect! The victim's safety is our priority!!" I could hear the police which I assume is the leader give order to rest of them. And just like that, all of it happen so fast right in front of me. Octavia step forward towards me while holding the knife. The last thing that I know is the blood. Too many blood on the floor, and some of them is splashing to my face and also a few sounds of shooting. If it only not the painful area on my stomach that hurt like hell, I think I wouldn't know that the blood is belong to me...

"Paramedic!!!!" That's the last thing that I remember before everything went black..


"What the fuck.." I say in whispering, almost like talking to myself. All of us stop fighting with each other after we heard the sound of a shooting from inside the workshop. The paramedic is rushing to get in with a two stretcher. All the police officer that was fighting with us also rush to get in. Me and Blake is looking at each other for a seconds before running with the rest of the officer to get in.

Just as we get in, the first thing that I notice is the blood. There is blood all over the floor. I can already see the girl that kidnapped Helena laying on the floor with a weak breathing while a paramedic, polices and a woman is currently trying to put her on the stretcher. It seems like she's been shots a few times. My heart beats fast as my eyes is looking for Helena. It's hard to see if she's okay or not because a bunch of polices and the paramedic is currently surround her in a circle.


"Oh god, is she still breathing???"

"Check her pulse!! Check her pulse!!"

"At this rate, she'll lost many blood!!"

"We have to hurry!!!!"


Even with all the yelling, and screaming, it seems like I am on my own world of despair right now. The place is currently in chaos. I stand there..watching her...she looks so fragile right now..laying unconscious on the floor with blood all over her head...on her wrist..and with the knife that are still on her stomach..And her wrist, it's looks like her wrist had been burned all over again and again..GOD...FUCK IT!!!

How bad must she had been tortured all this time that she was missing?? How hurt must she had felt?? She must've had felt so scared and alone. How painful must it been for her to face all of that alone??? FUCK!!! I can't even afford myself to moves. It was like I lost all the energy to come near her. Her hair, her clothes, is all wet. She must've been cold all this time. I watch Raymond sit beside her while yelling her name. Raymond's yelling voice wakes me up. I immediately take off my jacket and I put it slowly on her before the paramedic put her on stretcher.

"We can't waste time anymore, we have to get her to the hospital immediately!!" One of the paramedic says to the both of us before getting into the ambulance with Helena.

"We'll follow from behind!!" Raymond reply while nodding at the paramedic. I steal a glance for a few seconds at Helena before I join Raymond getting into the car.

God please, I would do anything for her. Just please...please don't take her away from me. My eyes glued to the back of the ambulance while driving like hell to follows the ambulance from behind. Today's incident makes me realise something, I do love her. Why can't I realise this all this time?? Why did I can't say that I love her too when she told me that she love me this morning??  SHIT. I am so stupid. I AM FUCKING MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER.


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