64: Make It Fucking Short

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This chapter is dedicated to SanjuktaPal❤ Thank you for all the votes.Xoxo😘


"Yeah yeah...I love you too..." WHAT??? IS HE FUCKING KIDDING ME??!!!!

He laugh again after that. "Hey, I'll talk to you later okay??" Later?? Oh so he's planning to call that Serena again?? It's just a few days ago he said that he love me. WOW. "What?" He ask after he saw I was actually staring at him while he was talking on the phone.

"Nothing..I'm just worried that you'll end up tearing your mouth due to too much laughing.." I say innocently while giving him a sarcastic little smile. What shocks me the most is he didn't even try to argue back. Is he ignoring me right now??!! "Who's Serena???" Damn. Stupid mouth!! I try hard not to ask him about that, but my curiosity is killing me.

"Serena?? Oh don't bother..you don't know her.." Fuck. "That's the point isn't it?? I'm asking because I did not know her.." I raise my voice to him. His answer make me angry. What was that even suppose to mean?? This guy is seriously asking for trouble.

"She's no one..." He reply using his boring tone, without even looking at my direction. Great. "Okay then!" I cross my arm to my chest while looking outside of the window. I didn't even notice that we are already entering the lawn of my house. After I saw the sight that is currently happening in front of my house, my heart almost pop out from my body. It's Alex, with Raymond.

"And here comes another drama..why in the hell is this motherfucker even here for??" Blake mumbles before opening the car's door. We both walk towards their direction.

"Why are you here??" I ask while looking at Alex. Just as Alex want to reply to me, Raymond cut him off.

He scoff sarcastically. "Apparently, this shit came to see you.." Too see me?? He must've heard about the incident that had happen to me.

"Hey, are you okay?? I am so sorry...I just heard about it from my friend.." Both Blake and Raymond scoff after hearing what Alex just say. I sigh a little before replying to him.

"I'm okay..." I reply shortly to him.

"She's doing fine even without your fucking concern. Aren't you suppose to be at the airport right now??" The airport?? I look at Blake, and then I look at Alex. Is he going somewhere??

"Fuck right..why waste your time to even came all the way here just to see my sister?? She doesn't need anything from you which include your fucking concern.." Raymond snarl at him. Wait, did Raymond also know that he's leaving?? Am I the only one who doesn't know about this??

"Are you going somewhere??" I ask. Alex nods at me. "I'm going to stay with my uncle in England.."

"England???" I ask again. Just before he want to reply to me, Raymond cut him off.

"His dad want him to take over their company right after he graduates from college, so he's going there to study about business management from his uncle..well like I care though.." Raymond must've heard about this from Blake. Of course Blake knew about this cause their were cousin. Maybe that's why both Raymond and Blake didn't start a fight like they always did as soon as they see Alex today. He's leaving town...

"I think it's enough. You should GO.." Blake's stern voice suddenly interrupts me.

"Helena..I.." Just when Alex want to say something to me, I cut him off. "Blake, Ray, could you please leave us alone for a minutes?? I want to talk with him.." I look at both of Raymond and Blake. I know they wouldn't do that, so before they could argue back, I cut them off.

"For fuck sakes, get in..NOW." I glare at them. "Just so you know, be fucking thankful to my dad. I was only playin nice to you because of him. But if you as much as even touch her, you can kiss goodbye to England.." Blake warn him before walking into my house.

"Just fuckin say what the hell is you wanna say and get your ass inside.. Make it fucking short.." Raymond say that while sending death glare towards Alex.

"I only need 5 minutes for fuck sakes.." I yell towards Raymond. I can't help myself but to let out a heavy sigh while looking at the both of them leaving me and Alex.

"I bet with the two of them by your side, even the president of our country will think twice to hurt you.." Alex is chuckling a little.

"Enough with that, so England huh??"

"Yupp..listen, I know I've try to did horrible thing to you, and I am so sorry for that..but please believe me that it was never my intention to did that..I was drunk Helena...but I know it can't be an execuses for me to avoid the blame..I was wrong..and I am sorry.." I take a very deep breath after what he say.

"I've already forgive you Alex.." He looks at me in a disbelief expression.

"I know I've been punishing you for a long time for something that you didn't even did. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anger or hatred for someone anymore.." I add while smiling at him.

"God..you don't know how much that's means to me.." He look at me with an unreadable expression. But I decides to ignore that.

"So we're good right??" He ask.

"We are.." I say, still smiling. "And good luck with England..I hope that after you graduate from high school, you could get into a good college..be good to England's student okay??" I joke a little that make him burst out a laugh.

"I think it's better if you go now or you'll missed your flight.."

"Yeah I think so too..Take care of yourself okay??" He say with his concern face.

"I have them remember?? Even the president wouldn't dare to touch me.." He just shake his head looking at me.

"Helena, I'm serious..take care of yourself. Even though she's currently in a mental hospital, you should not let your guard down okay? I gotta go now.." He give me a little hug. I just stay silent. She?? Is he talking about Octavia?? And Mental hospital? What was that even suppose to mean?? Raymond and Dad said that she's already in the prison.

"And by the way, tell Blake to take care of Serena while she's here okay.." He walk towards his car as soon as he say that. In a flash my mind immediately forget about Octavia.

"Who's Serena???" I ask him back more like yelling a little because he's already in the middle of getting into his car. He look at me while smiling, and with his hand is holding the car's door.

"Serena Evans..She's my sister, and Blake's favorite cousin..She just arrived yesterday, so tell Blake to take care of her because she's quite the little troublemaker in the family.."



FUCK?? She's here??!!


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