•Chapter 24•

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Rushing to the hospital, Gabriella was with Melissa

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Rushing to the hospital, Gabriella was with Melissa. Johnny burst into the room and saw Mackenzie with tears in her eyes. "What happened?"

He ran to Mackenzie's side, holding her close. "She wanted me to wait, but I am very sorry, your wife sadly experienced a miscarriage. No one could've known this was going to happen." The doctor talked more but Mackenzie and Johnny cried.

Holding her close, he didn't care the doctor called her his wife, it was he best thing in that sentence. Melissa and Maddie came, Greg stayed with Gabriella at home. They all cried, especially when they got home.

@/johnnyorlando- last night our family experienced a pain no one should have

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@/johnnyorlando- last night our family experienced a pain no one should have. last week, we shared our news of going
another child a long with our daughter Gabriella. Yesterday we found out we were no longer having another child. something happened and nothing could've stopped it. We experienced a miscarriage. We thank all of you for supporting us, but I'm sad to say, our son Joseph Theodore Ziegler-Orlando is up in heaven❤️

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The family cried for two weeks, and many friends and family came over for support, especially Annie. She went through this, loosing two babies and a Fallopian tube. Mackenzie cried the most, Johnny drowning himself in work to keep his mind off of it, and Gabriella wasn't feeling the same either.

Though only two, she felt sadden by seeing her parents cry and not knowing why. She stood by the door, her bear in her arms, watching Auntie Annie hug her mom as she cried in the bed. The two didn't notice Gabriella's presence, so Gabriella climbed down the stairs.

It was her first time going down by herself, so halfway down, she fell. Gabriella seemed to not make a sound, but was on the ground and couldn't get up. Johnny was listening to songs in his office, but he didn't seem to hear the slight fall, nor until Annie ran down and held Gabriella in her arms.

"You're ok, you're ok." Annie held her tightly, as she called Johnny and Kenzie, who rushed by her side.