•Chapter twenty-five•

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annie held onto her bouquet tight. she was in the bridal suite. her and hayden decided not to see each other till the isle.

first came down their officiant, sydney. she held the book, smiling as she came down with a floral dress. darian was playing the guitar, as well as someone else playing the piano. then came down hayden walking with his parents. his dad was tearing up, as he walked down his son.

next came the bridesmaids and groomsmen, locking arms. kenzie and johnny came down first, since they were the maid of honor and best man. then lastly was hayley and rush. next, the ring bearers. ezra and annies little cousin, in their little suits. katie went next, pushing the twins in a custom carrier making it look like they were in a bush of flowers. then the flower girls. maddie ziegler has to guid them, since it was a pretty long isle and they were distracted easily.

then, after a grueling pause, annie appeared. she and billy, their arms were interlocked. "ready baby girl?" billy asked her, a tear or more shedding.

"yes." annie said, then looked straight ahead, locking eyes with hayden. they immediately smiled, crying.

annie and billy walked down, the wedding planner making sure annie's long train and veil was perfect. then, snap. halfway through the isle, annie's shoe snapped. she was told to be careful. but it didn't stop her, she pulled her long dress, maddie orlando was right by there, so she took the shoes off for annie.

annie proceeded down the isle, making her and hayden let a laugh out. billy kissed her cheek, wiping a tear from him face, then sat down. "hi." annie and hayden said, locking hands as kenzie took annie's bouquet.

the ceremony wasn't too long. about 45 minutes. they vows, were perfect. hayden went first, "today, we start a marriage, a bond between us forever. i will be honest, i needed some help writing this." hayden laughed, making annie laugh too, "that's because i could never write how much i love you on this simple glass. there are no words to describe my love for you. every time i see you, i think how lucky i am to have you as a girlfriend, always thinking, shes the one i'm gonna marry. you are kind, passionate, goofy, and beautiful inside and out. you make me smile so wide and make me laugh like no other. you are 100% the mature one, but at the same time you're a kid at heart. your make little faces, just like when we were 12. i've been in love with you since i was 12, that will never change. you brought me so much h-happiness, and joy by bringing kali, karma, and landon into my life. people say today our life begins, no, our life began the day we saw our first daughter. i cannot express how much i love you, every part of you. to your friends-loving heart to your most bitchiest of times when there's no more popcorn. i love you." they kissed.

"nope!" sydney said, laughing a bit as she pulled them apart. "not yet."

annie got her plack, "today we vow ourselves to each other. i've loved you since j'y thirteenth birthday party. people say we were too young to be in love but, how i felt that day and everyday after that, i knew was love. i didnt figure out we were soulmates for a long time. heck we had a baby before hand. but the moment we saw her, that's the day we knew. we created something so perfect, so amazing, we couldn't fathom it. i'm gonna cut to the chase before i cry all my makeup off, but, i never knew walking into mods pizza could lead me to this much happiness. we have three beautiful and healthy children, we did that. i love you, you've brought me so much happiness hay i can't explain. you make me happy in ways no one else can. when i was pregnant with kali you were practicing my servant, waiting on me hand and foot. i thought it was just the pregnancy, but you've always been my prince. i never through in a million years would i marry a fairytale prince, i did. and it's you. you're my soulmate, my love, and my best friend. ever since mods pizza." they kissed again, making sydney pull them again.

"ok, then. i'll hurry along. do you hayden summerall take julianna leblanc to be your wife?"

"i do." hayden smiled, they kissed again, and sydney pulled them again.

"julianna leblanc, do you take hayden summerall to be your husband?"

"i do."

"place these rings in each other. it symbolizes your love for one each other, a circle, a circle never ends. like your love for one of each other." they placed it in each other. hands were shaking. "i pronounce you husband and wife. you may-"

they kissed, lovingly and passionately as everyone else stood up, clapping. flower pedals rained down on them, as they shared their embrace. "i love you." hayden said, as they leaned their foreheads form get her.

"now, i am extremely happy to announce for the first time, mr. and mrs. summerall!" sydney said, then hayden and annie ran down, annies veil and train following.

as guests were enjoying their cocktails, the bridal party, newlyweds, and their parents were talking pictures.

the best picture, was when annie and hayden were in the center kissing, and everyone looked at them, as purple flower pedals were being thrown.

"i love you mr. summerall." annie smiles.

"i love you mrs. summerall." hayden replied, then they kissed again.