Chapter 18

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Next time he woke up, it was just him and Dyn'ad, though he could still feel Nel'os' heat against his skin. Nel'os' grip had been tight and almost reassuring, like the man was as afraid of Ryraso disappearing as Ryraso had been Nel'os would leave. Ryraso winced as the reminder that someone else Nel'os loved had disappeared recently ran through his mind. He exhaled slowly, watching the light from the sun flitter into the room. It was late in the day now, he had spent most of it sleeping. 

How was he going to make this up to Nel'os? How was he going to reassure the man he wasn't going to leave? 

"Good, you're awake," Dyn'ad hummed, a hand running down Ryraso's back and rubbing low. "We were going to wake up soon anyhow. Need you awake for dinner and the evening. Can't quite expect you to sleep 24 hours," he teased softly. 

"Not really, no," Ryraso agreed, shifting slowly so he was sitting up, eyes not looking at Dyn'ad. The hand didn't stop rubbing but he could feel Dyn'ad shifting closer, a rumble of warning bubbling from Dyn'ad. "Sir," he added softly, reminding Dyn'ad's earlier words. The grumbling stopped and Dyn'ad sighed. A firm kiss was pressed to the back of Ryraso's head beforehand gently coaxed him to turn towards Dyn'ad. A warm hand cupped his cheek, helping him look up, though it took Ryraso a moment to meet Dyn'ad's eyes head on.

"We are going to talk about this, Ryraso, now," Dyn'ad stated with strength in his words and warning. 

Ryraso was nodded slowly, keeping his breathing even. This. This was not good. It was a side of Dyn'ad he had never really seen before this incident. He knew about it of course. Dyn'ad was a Dom but Dyn'ad was also easy going than oppressive. It seemed breaking his forearm by punching a wall and emotionally hurting another mate was the way to bring this side out of him. The k'nairi's eyes were darker than normal, his expression serious though there was still a fondness there. The way his lips twitched as Ryraso was finally able to look him in the eyes, the warm and gentle touch of his hand, this was a conversation that needed having but Dyn'ad was still his Dyn'ad.

"I'm the head of the nest. Even if in public that is not the case, it is the case here. You are not officially part of the nest yet so I am limited in how I can punish you. Unless you consent to that side of things early?" Dyn'ad asked, lifting his eyebrows and clearly expecting Ryraso to answer unfavourably. Ryraso knew the way the head of a nest typically punished mates. Especially mates who had hurt other bonded within the nest by their actions.

Corporal punishment. Ryraso flushed uncomfortably. That was not something he wanted to think about nor was he really ready for. "No. I'm not ..." he trailed off. "Sorry," Ryraso breathed, nervous about how Dyn'ad would react to that. 

Dyn'ad smiled knowingly and kissed Ryraso's forehead. "It's ok, Ry. We're courting? Remember. We have different rules for now," he reassured, catching one of Ryraso hands and holding it reassuringly. "But it does mean we have to be more inventive in these types of things. So Ryraso. My love. You aren't going to be alone for the next two weeks. For the next two weeks, ignoring using a chamber pot, you are not leaving my or Tai'ray's sight. You will shadow us while we are doing duties. You will remain next to one of us at all times," he declared firmly.  

Ryrsao opened his mouth to complain as a gut reaction but closed his mouth swallowing hard as his mind reminded him of the truth of the situation. He wasn't exactly in a  place to fight this right now. "What about Nel'os," he ended up asking, his shoulders slumping in defeat. That was going to be hard; being with one of them all the time. Sometimes he did need some time to think and it didn't sound like they were going to be doing that.

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