Chapter 36

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"I want him gone. I want him as far north as possible and away from us all," Nel'os declared, eyes dark and glaring at Tai'ray. Tai'ray kept his expression neutral. They were in his courtroom. A limited collection of people were in the room. His advisors, those who needed to know what was going on and his mates were in there alone. He did not need the entire court to see the divide in his nest more than they needed too.

"We aren't sending him away," Tai'ray repeated, firmer, meeting Nel'os eyes and letting his wings fan out. "Ryraso is right. This was our fault. We need to be the ones to fix it."

"He tried to kill Ryraso,"

"We don't know that for certain. What we do know is that the two of them were in a bad situation," Tai'ray tried to keep his voice patient as Nel'os stalked around the room. That was beginning to sound almost childish despite the severe nature of the accusation. "We know Cai'ress' family put him there. We know the slavers destroyed him. We know he fought against them, but their grip on him was too strong. We know far more in his favour. I have no intention of suggesting he go without punishment, Nel'os. But he will remain with us."

Nel'os snarled, and Tai'ray gave him a look of warning. They were in court, not in their chambers. The snarl reduced. He looked away. "I don't want him near Ryraso or the boys. I want him far away."

"I think that decision is not ours to make. Ryraso has very much placed Cai'ress in his circle now," Tai'ray snorted. Ryraso had slid into bed with Cai'ress as they left, taking Dyn'ad'd place as another body to keep Cai'ress feeling safe. Cai'ress had settled peacefully, and Ryraso had been dozing himself still exhausted from the amount of power he had been forced to use.

"Ryraso is not one for abandoning those in needs," Fetmar commented as Herymi translated for him. The oldest adoptive son sitting with his arms crossed with a few other warriors around him, seemingly well integrated into their confidence. Herymi's mate was guarding the healer's wing, but Herymi was trusted. As eyes turned to him, Fetmar didn't look flustered in the slightest at having spoken out of turn. He shrugged. "Asking him to give up on someone who has been hurt in front of him is not going to be easy. In fact, I would rather say it was impossible."

Tai'ray's lips twitched as Nel'os glared at him for the comment. "He is a healer, it is his nature," he agreed, looking around the room. The stricter of the nobles were looking distinctly disapproving at someone speaking without being asked to. "Cai'ress' family will face judgement. As will those who inflicted pain, including any of his clients who are found. My concerns are for Cai'ress's punishment."

"He deserves everything."

"His wings were ruined, and they had to regrow his legs and some of his hands," Tai'ray countered, his voice cold, daring Nel'os to repeat that statement. There were inhales, most of the room unaware of the exact nature of Cai'ress' injuries. If Ryraso was still tried, Pol'ar was flat out dead to the world. The older man being monitored but otherwise left to sleep away and recover himself.

Nel'os froze, his wings puffed out and lowered. "He didn't deserve all of that," he acknowledged a weird expression on his face. The tug of caring about someone while being intensely angry at them. He ran his hands through his hair and sat down. "No one does."

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