The Bitter Company of Lonliness

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     I walked into the hotel room. A large smile came across my face as I saw the bunk bed. I laid on the bottom bunk, rolling my eyes at how the younger sibling had pleaded for it.
   The parents must be in the master bed room.
     I got comfortable, and pulled out my favorite book: Fun Activities to do with Your Family.
      I started reading, until I realized it was oddly silent. I walked into the master bedroom, in look for the parents or the younger sibling. I found nothing but a empty, dusty old bed.
     Then, realization crashed down on me. There was no family. No vacation I was on. I was still alone. Still so alone. Still accompanied by my dearest friend and enemy: loneliness.
      A small tear slid down my face.
       I walked out of the hotel, into the silent parking lot. The sky was gray and overcast, and there was a slight breeze.
     I sat down on the pavement, in front of the no longer working electric doors.
     The world was so quiet. I don't remember the world being so quiet. So empty. But then again, I don't remember anything. I just woke up one day, in an empty world.
I screamed, I screamed just to hear something. But the scream didn't even bounce back. It's like silence itself ate it, and didn't let me have the noise back.
      A small whimper came from my lips. All I wanted, was another, a family, a friend. Normal people had friends and family! But... there are no families. The normal isn't even people. The normal is just silence and emptiness.
      I don't know what happened, or why I'm the last person on earth. I don't even fully know if people lived on Earth. All I can do is learn from books.
     I am quite sure I am human. I look like one, and the explanations of a person fit me.
      There I go again! My mind drifting. Thinking.
       I hugged my knees tighter, and started to sob. Until, the bitter sweet hug of loneliness set in. Reassuring me, that I am alone. Completely.
      I laid on the pavement ready. Ready for the end. I felt an unnerving calm as my body started to turn to dust
and float away. I closed my eyes and smiled until I couldn't anymore.

(NO! This isn't any sort of Avengers Thanos snap thing!!! Just a story!!)

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