One Still Moment

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I never really liked Winter.
The cold, the Christmas chaos.
Sledding was never much fun either.

I missed the flowers.
The bees.
The smell of moisture in the air.
The sun.
The rain.
Shorts, and t-shirts (though I am a fan of sweaters and boots).

But there is one thing that I like about Winter.
That morning. When the snow had just fell. When there was just a blanket of untouched snow.
I would bundle up. Maybe to get ready to clear the drive way, or take out the dogs.

But there'd be no cars.
No people.
No animals.
No noise.

When the whole world seemed to be quiet.
I just stood there in my front yard. A breath coming from my lips. No noise but my breath.
When the cold, crisp air would hit my throat.
When I would look up into the sky, and despite it being overcast it was still somehow so bright.
When there was nothing but small snowflakes falling slowly, like little angels.

It was like I was in my own little world.
My own little slice of time.
Where there was no one and nothing, yet I am not lonely, for I am accompanied by the stillness.
When I take a deep breath, and sense of peace fills me.
Even though the cold was bitter, it made me feel so warm.
Just one still moment.
Just one.

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