But a Ghost.

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(Pt 2)
I gasped and sat up. I was in a playground, next to me was a wooden swing. This is the same playground I played in when I was a kid! But why am I here...?
I then remembered the car. So I did live! Why do I not remember coming here?
My body felt strange. I felt very empty, very cold. Almost as if I my heart wasn't beating. Or my blood had stopped and froze.
I stood up and walked out of the playground, I saw my house. I was in my neighborhood. I ran over to my backyard, then walked in between the houses and to the front door. The door was open and I walked in.
"Mom, dad?" I yelled. No response.
I heard quiet crying in my parents room. It sounded feminine.
"Mom?" I called. Still, no response. The door to her room was opened. I quietly walked in. She was sitting on her bed with her head in her hands, sobbing.
"Mom!" I yelped in confusion. I lightly put my hand in her back. She whipped her head around, and looked behind her. She looked scared. But she didn't even notice I was there.
I tried to gently shake her, but my arm phased through her body. I gasped in surprise and stumbled back.
In response to my arm. She stood up.
"Is someone there?" She called quietly.
"I'm right here mom!" I yelled. Mom scanned the room and stayed silent. She then exited the room.
Once she left, I curled into a ball. I started to cry, or at least, wanted to cry; but no tears left my eyes. I looked at my hands, "What is happening to me?" I asked shakily.
"Your dead." I heard a voice behind answer.
"What?" I responded. I looked around the room to see who was speaking, but found no one.
"I said, your dead. You died by a car. You remember don't you?"
"I... who are you?" I asked in confusion, and sat up.
"Less of a who, more of a what."
"Then what?" I snapped.
"That isn't for you to know. I'm here, because you seem to be struggling with the acceptance of death."
"I'm not dead." I denied.
"Really? Explain your mother, explain the car. Then what are you?" It replied.
"I-I'm..." I had no answer.
"You are a ghost. Meaning, you died."
I ran my fingers through my hair in panic.
"W-why am I a ghost? Don't I go to heaven or something?" My voice wavered.
"You will. Once you accept."
"Accept what?" I yelled. No answer.
"Hello!" No response.
I groaned and fell back. I felt so numb.
    I decided to leave the house. I wondered where my sister was. My dad was most likely at work.
      I went to our neighbors house. I walked to their backyard. My sister was sitting there, with her friend. I walked over to their conversation.
     I stood there and listened.
"It'll be ok. She's probably happy in heaven!" My sisters friend said.
Heaven, pff yeah.
   My sister wiped her teary eyes.
"Y-yeah." My sister, Ashley, whispered.
"Let's go get some lemonade, ok?"
My sister nodded in response. They both got up. I followed behind them. Entering the house as they did.
The two girls sat and got lemonade. Ashley's friend suddenly sat up.
"I got an idea!" The girl blurted. My sister slowly looked at her.
"Ouija board! We could contact your sister!"
"Would it work...?" My sister questioned.
"Totally!" The girl assured.
An ouija board... I wonder if it would actually work. Could I control it? Say something to her? I guess I'll give it a go.
The girl pulled my sister up the stairs. I followed. Once they were inside the room, the girl slammed the door behind her.
Oh no! I can't open things! But I can phase through them... I thought. I tried the handle of the door, but my hand just went through it.
I took a deep breath.
"Ok..." I whispered. I closed my eyes, I took a few steps forward. I opened my eyes, to find myself in the room. I let out a breath of relief. Going through things was... weird.
    My sister's friend was setting up the board. After a few minutes, she and my sister put their fingers on the planchette.
"I have to control their hands right? So..." I put my hands in their hands, on the planchette. It was odd, the Ouija board was the one thing I didn't phase through.
"Is Breanna here?" Her friend stated, while moving the planchette. She then held it still. I took a deep breath and started to move it. A smile crept onto my face. I moved it towards the 'yes' option.
    Both of there faces were pale, and wide-eyed.
"Where are you?" My sister asked frantically. I moved the planchette. 'Here' I spelled out, then added 'next to you'. They both looked around. 'I'm not creepy like the movies' I spelled. Tears pricked my sisters eyes. 'I'm just dead' I finished.
"Why aren't you in heaven?" My sister asked panicked. 'Reasons.' I spelt. I didn't exactly know the answer myself.
"W-What are you doing?" She asked. 'Nothing' I replied.
"What's it's like? Being... dead." Her friend asked. 'Odd cold empty lonely' I spelled.
"I miss you" My sister sobbed. 'Me too' I spelt. Ashley started to cry. Quickly, her friend said goodbye with the palette, then went to comfort my sister.
I felt a relief on my heart. I said what I wanted to say. I closed my eyes, and didn't feel so empty. I felt warm. I was surrounded by light.
I took a last breath of cold death. Then accepted, death.

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