Same Face.

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    I am the identical twin of Morgan. My name is Denice. We had been close all through childhood. We had been the same all through childhood. We we're constantly getting mixed up. It's was almost as if we were two halves of a whole.
      But things change.
     First, it was Damon. I loved him. With all my heart.
     But somehow, Morgan won his heart. She won all their hearts.
     Even though we were the same, I was.... different. I had less friends. Worse grades. All of my relation ships failed.
      All I wanted was him. I just wanted him. But she took him. She stole him. He was rightfully mine!
High school was miserable. As well as college. I never knew it could get so much worse....
"You have to pay rent!" The apartment owner screamed at me.
"I-I'm sorry! I-!" I stuttered
"No! No more excuses! Next week, you pay next week. Or your out!" He yelled, then stormed out of my room; slamming the door behind him.
A tear slid down my face, as crushing despair swallowed me. I started to sob on the couch. I cupped my face in my hands.
Suddenly, the phone rang. I picked up.
"Hello?" I spoke.
"Hi Denice! I just wanted to tell you your an aunt now! Damon and I just had our baby girl: Lisa!" Morgan excitedly spoke.
"Th-that's great." I replied, in the happiest tone I could manage. Though, I was boiling in rage.
"Are you ok Denice?" Morgan questioned. Tears rapidly fell out of my eyes as I only became more enraged.
I screamed and chucked the phone across the room, causing it to rip from the line it was attached to, and hang up.
I took rapid breaths trying to calm myself.
She had everything! An amazing job! A husband! And now a daughter?! Why?! Why wasn't it me?!
I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the sharpest knife.
"I'm ending it all. Now."

I awake to a call on my phone. It was 2:00 am. I grumbled from the discomfort of waking from my sleep.
"Morgan..." Damon grumbled next to me.
My heart fluttered a bit at him calling me by that name. It was sweet. I loved him so much.
I picked up the call.
"Hello?" A man responded from the other line.
"Hello?" I reply.
"Are you Morgan Stuart?"
"Yes." I reply again.
"We need you to come to the police station. It's... about your sister: Denice."
I got out of bed and changed into a nice pair of clothes. Then left for the police station.
I walked into the police station.
"Are you Morgan?" A woman asked.
"Yes, I am." I replied.
"Follow me."
I followed the woman into an office, which sat a man. I walked in, and the woman shut the door behind me.
"Please, sit." The man instructed. I did as told, and sat.
"So, do you know why we called you here?" He asked while raising his brow.
"Yes, for my sister? Is she in trouble?" I replied.
"No... she's... dead." He responded gravely.
Panic filled me.
"She killed herself. With a knife. She stabbed herself ten times. Her body was found, in an alley, near her apartment."
Tears welled in my eyes.
"Can I... see her?" I asked quietly.
"Yes, but... are you sure?"
I nodded in response.
The man led me to the morgue. On a sliver table, was my sister. I just wanted to see her one more time. She has the same long brown hair, green eyes, and small nose as I.
I nodded and left the room without a word. The man let me go. I walked to my car.
Once I entered the car, I let the tears spill out of my eyes. A smile crept onto my face, as I pulled out of the police station.
I let out a small giggle as the tears of happiness fell.
It was so easy! Me, Denice Stuart, committed murder and got away without a blink of an eye! We had the same fingerprints, so, covering it up was easy. I started to laugh.
"Oh Morgan! I'm sorry it had to come to this!"
I pulled into the driveway of Morgan- no, my home. In my car.
I opened the front door and walked. My husband, Damon put his hand on my shoulder.
"I heard..." he whispered to me. I shook my head and walked into the child's room.
I picked up Lisa. How beautiful. What a beautiful baby we had.
"I'm sorry Morgan. But, sometimes sacrifices have to be made for greatness," "and the sacrifice this time... was you."

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