Chapter 2: Everyone Runs Away

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John took Mary into the bathroom to try and clean up her cuts. He was looking for the cabinents, but couldn't find anything. He then realized it would be smart to take some pictures for legal reasons, so he did.

"Its fine, it really doesn't hurt that bad" said Mary.

John gave her a look and continued looking, but nothing.

"We will just use water" said John.

He took a wash cloth and began to wipe her cuts clean. She winced in pain.

"Sorry" said John

"Its ok" said Mary

"What are we going to do about this?" asked Mary.

"You don't have to worry about anything, Im going to take care of everything" he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Come here" said John as he picked her up and carried her back to the kitchen.

He sat her down on the counter.

"I will be right back" he said.

He went out the door and next door to Jenny's

Danny was in the kitchen getting a popsicle from the fridge. He grabbed one for Mary and handed it to her.

"Here" he said, "Im Danny"

"Thanks its nice to meet you Danny" she replied smiling.

Meanwhile John knocked on Jenny's door. She answered. She had just got home.

"Hey whats up?" she asked.

"Do you have medical stuff?" asked John

"Ya what kind?" asked Jenny.

"Like stuff to clean up cuts and large bandages and wraps" said John.

"Ya what happened? Whos hurt now?" she asked.

She went to the bathroom and grabbed stuff then came back.

"One of you are always hurting yourselfs" said Jenny walking out the door.

"Jenny its not...." said John, but before he could finish, they were in the apartment.

Jenny stopped "Wait, your the girl I let in the building early" said Jenny.

Mary gave a slight smile.

"John who is she?" asked Jenny.

"This is my little sister, Mary" said John taking the supplies from Jenny.

"What?" asked Jenny

"I will explain later ok" said John.

He went over to Mary and started to clean her cuts

"What happened?" asked Jenny

"Later" said John givng Jenny a look, "Theres leftovers in the fridge can you heat them up for me."

Jenny started to heat up the food.

John finished wrapping up Mary's arms.

"Go lay on the couch, so I can fix your back" he said as he helped her down.

Mary laid on the couch. John rolled her shirt up and started to clean her cuts. She winced in pain.

Jenny saw them and gasped. Danny then came up and started to tell Jenny small details, but just like the rest of them Jenny was confused.

John finished Mary's back and sat her up.

"Go get something  to eat" he said

She went to the counter and began to eat the chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.

"Mary I will be right back" said John

He motioned for everyone to step outside.

"Listen before you all freak out just listen" said John "My whole entire life my parents always fought and never got along and my dad was never home he isn't a family man. My mom tried her best but it was hard. As the years went on things got worse. I couldn't wait to leave. Either could my other sister Eden, she left 7 years ago and I haven't seen her since. I left for college but came back not realizing how bad it actually got. I was only there for a month and I fought constintly with my dad. There was one bad agruement and he told me to leave and never come back. I thought leaving would help Mary, but it didn't of course. I haven't seen her for a year. I didn't know things were going to get as bad as they are."

No one said a word.

Jenny went and hugged him "Im sorry John."

"Listen I have delt with this my whole its not new to me" said John

"What are you going to do?" asked Justin

"No idea" said John

"Should you tell you parents where Mary is?" asked Charlie

"No, they don't really care and it would only make things worse, my father would probably try and kill me, no joke" said John.

"I just need your guys is help" said John

"You got it man" said Danny as he did a man high five.

They headed back in the house. Jenny went home. Mary was done eating and sitting at the counter with her head resting on her hands.

John picked her up and took her to the couch and sat with her on his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder. The other headed to different rooms.

"I missed you" said Mary

"I have missed you to more than you can ever imagian" said John

John: God I have missed her so much, holding especially. She is my baby sister. I should have never left. I am such an idiot.

"Im sorry I left Mary, I should never have, but I thought it was going to make things better" he said.

"No, I understand" said Mary in reply.

"I no you don't really understand, I said I did when Eden left, but I really didn't" said John, "Do you even remember when Eden left?"

"No, I don't really remember anything about her" said Mary.

John got tears in his eyes, his sister doesn't even no her family.

"But I'm use to people running away, everyone does, you, Eden and now mom" said Mary.

"Mom?" questioned John.

"Oh ya, I know mom has left and come back, but this time she took her stuff with her. She has never done that before" said Mary, "Ya just like everyone else."

"I'm not going to run again Mary, I promise. I am going to fix this" said John

"I just want to stay with you" said Mary.

"And you will" said John as he kissed her head and then rested his head on her head.

"So I met Danny and Jenny, but who are the other two?" asked Mary

"The taller one is Justin and the red haired one is Charlie, they are nice" said John, "You met Danny?"

"Ya he gave me a popsicle" said Mary smiling.

John just smiled back.

They just sat there for a long time talking and catching up on things.

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