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"And that's when I told myself I will never try to ride a bike again." Jisoo told her story animatedly.

"...." Jennie was out of words. The idiocy of that story mummed her.


"Did you ever think the reason you fell from that cliff is because you put peanut butter all over your tires?"


"Well, then you should think about it because that is the reason."

"You don't understand. It was definitely the bicycles fault. He totally threw me off and then kept riding without me. The tires even squeaked like an evil witch's laugh."

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "How did you get out of the water if you can't swim?"

"My sister jumped after me."

This gave Jennie a little more reassurance. From what Jisoo said her sister seems reliable.

"You can't ride a bike and you can't swim..." Jennie clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"But I can do other useful things!" Jisoo defended herself.

"What exactly?"

Jisoo grinned cheekily. "I can imitate Pikachu an–"

"You know what? Forget that I asked."

"Pika pika~ Pikachuuuuuu~"

Jennie's lips curled into a small smile. She quickly brushed it off and scolded her lips before she scolded Jisoo.

"I don't want to smile, stop making me smile!" Her mouth said one thing but said mouth also showed another thing.

"Tsk, so bossy." Jisoo folded her arms with a shake of her head. "Good for you that I'm patient." She did her terrible two eye wink thingy.

Jennie laughed. And she didn't bother to hold it back. She was tired of doing that.


"I want to slide down." Little Yeji pointed to the blue slide. "Come with me?" She asked with big doe eyes.

"Sure." Jisu nodded and accompanied her.

After they climbed up they saw a girl sitting on the slide, blocking people from sliding down.

Yeji turned her face to Jisu because she was the better person in such situations.

Jisu made her way to the girl and tapped her shoulder.


She didn't turn around.

"I'm Jisu and that's Yeji." Jisu said softly. "What's your name?"

No response.

Yeji nervously shifted on her feet. Jisu just examined her back. She was full of mud. That girl definitely had a tomboyish look with her shoulder length hair, black cap and white messy shirt. 

"Are you okay?" Jisu wasn't one to give up. She was a little concernced.

"Why are you talking to me?" The girl asked annoyed.

Yeji flinched. Her voice cut the air like a sharp knife.

"Why not?" Jisu responded instantly without thinking about it.

The girl tilted her face and met warm chocolate orbs. The glint of kindness was very visible which only irritated her.

"We wanted to slide down," Yeji added. "Isn't that what you want to do too? Could it be that you are scared?"

The girl huffed and immediately slid down, leaving Yeji and Jisu confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" Yeji frowned.

"No idea." She shrugged cluelessly.


"Do you think we will ever get out of here? I think we are stuck forever... I'm starting to forget what the outside world looked like. Maybe I won't even be able reintegrate into society. And you are the only one to blame for that, so I will drag you down with m–"

"Woah, woah. Calm. Down. It's only been like fourty minutes." Jisoo cupped Jennie's cheeks to make her stop rambling. "You are getting anxious again. Stop overthinking."

"Stop overthinking? Really Jisoo? That's like telling someone to stop being anxious, do you think I wouldn't have done that if it was so easy?" The brunette swatted Jisoo's hands away and send her a glare.

Ugh, good job Jisoo. You made the kitten grumpy...

"I didn't mean it like that. You just thought too much about it again." Jisoo noted. "Relax. Let's go with the flow."

"Well, maybe I don't want to go with the flow." Jennie rolled her eyes. "Are we hippies or what?"

In her eyes everything had to be organised. She pays much attention to details.

"I can feel a lot of stress coming from you," Jisoo gave her an apprehensive look. "Dark energy."

"A hippie and scientist, it seems." The brunette sneered. "...Come to think of it, what is your occupation?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jisoo smirked.

"You are right," Jennie sighed annoyed. "I don't want to know. Ignore it."

Jisoo did as she was told and expertly changed the topic of the conversation or argument as Jennie probably considered it. 

"I really thought you were a Cassiopeia." She suddenly brought up with a grin. A TVXQ fan.

"What!?" Jennie stood up in anger. Her head was boiling. Jisoo imagined steam coming out of her ears the way she send a deathly glare towards her direction. "How dare you insult me like that!? I'm a VIP! A goddamn pure blood OT4 VIP!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!!" She crossed her arms. "We had this discussion before, what makes you think I would be one of those things?" 

At least she isn't panicking anymore, Jisoo thought.

"Because," A smile began to tug at her heart shaped lips. "You threw a brick through my window when I blasted Mirotic through the speakers."

Jennie frowned. 

"That's why I thought you were a Cassiopeia and purposely played it louder everyday."


"For you." The raven smiled brightly.

"You played the music louder for me because I threw a brick through your window which made you think I like that song?"

"That's what I said."

"But I don't understand," Jennie raised her eyebrows. "How does that make any sense? Are you nuts?"

"What doesn't make sense? You loved the song so much you went through all the trouble to throw a brick through my window just so you can hear it better. I assumed you were too shy to knock on my door and ask me personally." Jisoo concluded with much innocence in her eyes.

"..........." Jennie slid to the ground. Jisoo really has a way to render her speechless. She has no idea what to feel. 

"Every morning, for the past three months..." Jennie mumbled under her breath.

The younger was in the process of absorbing Jisoo's confession.

It honestly only made her think Jisoo was even crazier than she expected. Not in a bad way though.

She was a weirdo for sure but the kind of weirdo who would crack bad jokes 24/7 and show off her strange antics for everyone to witness for the sole purpose of plastering a smile across their faces.

"You are crazy."

"I sure am."

Jennie smiled.

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