Chapter 4

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Jihyo's Pov.

"Is she okay?" Jeongyeon ask me as soon as she went inside Nayeon's house that she bought for her.

"So you're the girl she always dreamed about" Namjoon said from behind. We look at him and he smiled at Jeongyeon. Namjoon, Jimin and Jeongyeon are friends since Jeongyeon's mom trusted them.

"Hey, the moment she woke up, I would break up with her" Namjoon said and we look at the stairs when someone talk from that direction.

"Jeongyeon-ah" Nayeon said in a soft voice. We go to Nayeon and bring her downstairs. Her tears started to fall as soon as she make eye contact to Jeongyeon.

"I thought.... I thought you'll leave me forever" Nayeon said and hug Jeongyeon. Jimin went inside and I noticed that his emotions changed when he saw Nayeon hugging Jeongyeon and he leave the house and I decides to follow him.

Jeongyeon's POV.

Nayeon fell asleep in my arms and Namjoon help me bring her to her room.

"Ostrich, I'll go home first" Namjoon said and left me with Nayeon. I put blanket on her and sat beside her. She opened her eyes and look at me.

"I thought I'll lose you" she said and tears started to fall again from her eyes.

"I will never leave you. I never think of leaving you without giving you the love you deserves" I said and kissed her forehead. I look at her eyes and saw her smile.

"I have a question" Nayeon said after she drink her cup of coffee.

"What if I'll never remember you? What would you do?" Nayeon asked and look at me.

"I will let you remember me. I will bring you to places we've been. I will let mom shot me again with a gun if that's the only way to make you remember me. I seriously don't know what I will do if that happened. I don't want to lose you. The moment I heard that you can't remember me, it feels like I'm alive but dead inside at the same time. I love you so much my bunny, that I'm willing to die just to see you and let you remember every details of me" I said and was about to kiss her lips when Jihyo faked cough behind me.

"Don't do it" Jihyo said and pull me back to my chair.

"Hey, ostrich, can we talk?" Jimin suddenly went in. I look at him and followed him until we stop at the garden.

"I like you" Jimin said before I even talk.

"I like you ever since I met you. I know you won't like me back because you like someone else and you just didn't like her. You love her so much that you almost died just to save her" he look at me while tears are falling to his eyes.

"After this, I hope you won't feel awkward around me. It's okay if I'll stay as your bestfriend, but, I promise you, once she makes you cry, I will do everything to steal to you from her" he said and leave me in the garden. I know that he has feelings for me but I didn't expected him to confess it in front of me.

The next day comes and the first person I saw is Jimin. The moment I saw him, I remembered his confession yesterday.

"Goodmorning" he said while holding a cup of coffee and went outside the house.

"Jeongyeon" I heard Namjoon's voice behind me.

"What?" I asked and saw all his bags beside him.

"Today is my mom's birthday, she want me to come..." he said and stopped talking but I didn't talk because I know he has something to tell.

"...and he want me to bring Nayeon"

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