Chapter 2

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Nayeon's POV

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

"Don't leave me!" I've been dreaming the same dream since yesterday.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard Jihyo and look at her. She went to me and sat beside me.

"I don't know. I'm always dreaming this girl but I can't see her face. It's like, she's..... she's dying and leaving me. And, there I am, crying and begging her to hold on and not leaving me" after I told her my dream, I felt her fingers on my cheeks.

"You're crying" she said and look at me in my eyes.

"Your dream really happened. 5 years ago, there's a girl who really love you and is willing to sacrifice herself just to protect you" she said that make me so shocked. I don't know what to say because I can't remember what happened 5 years ago.

"But, she didn't die. She survived" Jihyo continued that make me look at her in her eyes.

"What? But, she died. In my dreams" I said and she smiled at me.

"We saved her. But, one day, we can't see her. Her mother bring her somewhere. Somewhere far from us. Somewhere far from you" Jihyo said. She didn't let me ask another question because she said that it's getting late and we should sleep.

Jihyo's POV.

"Where the fuck are you?!'  I shouted to my phone. It's been 30 minutes since I got her text that she's alive. Once I got out of Nayeon's room, my phone suddenly vibrated.

"Yah! I think Nayeon is remembering you" I told her and there's a second of silent.

"I'm going back there" she said that make me want to scream but I can't because it's fucking midnight.

"Why so sudden?" I ask and sit at the couch in my room.

"I just miss her and I want to see her" Jeongyeon said. It's been 5 years but she still falling inlove with Nayeon. I lied to Nayeon earlier that I don't know where Jeongyeon is because I'm the one who bring her to America.

Jeongyeon's POV.

"Jeongyeon-ah! Let's go!" I heard mom called me downstairs. Ever since that happened, mom and I have a good relationship now and she now supports me from loving Nayeon.

Today is the day that we will go back to Korea. I've rested for a long time and I think I can survive there again.

"Why are you here?" I ask Jimin when I saw him packing our things in the car.

"He's coming with us" mom said that make my blood boil from anger. Jimin and I met 2 years ago and became friends. It's not like I hate him but I'm tired of seeing his face everyday. He's like a potato. A cute potato though.

"He'll take care of you there while I manage our bussiness that we left there" mom said and I can't do anything anymore because he's here. Driving for us even though we have a driver.

I miss this. I miss the smell of Korea. We are now in Korea and waiting for Jihyo to pick us up.

"Jeongyeon-ah!!!" Just by hearing her high pitched voice, I know that it is Jihyo. I look at her and saw her waving at us while running.

"I miss you so much but what's with that blue colored hair?" She asked while pointing at our hair. Jimin and I colored our hair blue before going to our flight.

"Is there something I should know?" She ask while we are walking to our car.

"What do you mean?" I said while scrolling on my phone but Jimin took it.

"Are you two dating?" Jihyo ask that make me look at her. I never imagined myself dating Jimin though.

"Are you crazy?! He's not even my type!" I shouted at her and close the door of the car. Jimin give my phone back and sit beside me while Jihyo is at the passenger's seat.

"Does she still live in the house that I bought for her?"

"Yes, I'm living with her"

I'm gonna make a trailer for this one too but I think I'll upload it at the last week of March

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