Chapter 3

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Jeongyeon's Pov.

It's been 3 months since we went back to Korea. Mom didn't let me wander around since I'm still not feeling well. Jihyo's visiting me once a week and giving me updates about Nayeon.

"Wanna go somewhere?" Jimin ask while drying his hair using a towel.

"Not in the mood to walk" I said and lay myself flat on the floor. Jimin sat beside me and throw his towel right in my face.

"Fine! I'll take a bath then let's go to our cafe here" I said and go to the bathroom. I miss working on that cafe and I think I need to visit it. The cafe is now owned by dad since I've been resting for 5 years. Mom and dad are back together but they are not living together. Chaeyoung also know that I'm alive but mom and dad said that we should still keep it a secret.

We are now infront the cafe and we're still not going out the car. I look outside and nothing much happened to the cafe. It's still the same except that it's gotten a bit wider. We go out the car and was about to get in when I saw.....

Her. The girl I've been wanting to see. She's with Jihyo and her boyfriend, I think. Jimin noticed that I stop so he pushed me lighty inside and pull me. The moment I came in, the workers bow at us looking so shock while I see Jihyo looking at us with a smirk on her face.

"Where's dad?" I ask one of the worker still lookong so shock to see me.

"At his office, maam" he said and I smile at him. Jimin went to the kitchen while I go to see dad in his office. I go inside dad's office and saw him with Chaeyoung.

"What the hell?! Since when did you came back?!" Chaeyoung shouted but dad hit her lightly in her head.

"Watch your words, brat" dad said that made me smile. I miss this. I miss them.

"Nayeon's outside" I said and Chaeyoung looked at me with worried face.

"I saw her but she didn't saw me" I said and sit at the chair infront of dad's desk.

"Uhm... Jeongyeon-ah! Mihyo miss you so much" Chaeyoung changed the topic and pull me outside with her.

"Ostrich! I want a ostrich!" I heard someone said it as soon as we went out so Chaeyoung and I stopped and look at each other.

"Hey! Ostrich! Let's go" Jimin said that made Nayeon look at us. I smiled at her and bow before we went out the cafe.

Nayeon's POV

"Hey! Ostrich! Let's go" I heard someone said so look where the voice came from and I saw Chaeyoung with someone else. She looks familiar and I think I saw her somewhere but I can't remember. She smiled at me and my head start aching.

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

"Nayeon-ah.... I.... I told you I would protect you"

This sentence started playing in my head and made my head hurts more. Namjoon and Jihyo saw it and give me a glass of water.

"Are you okay? Do you remember something?" Jihyo asked and told her about the girl who I always dreamed about.

"It's her" Jihyo told me and made me so shocked.

"She owns this cafe and that's the reason why you're food are always free" Jihyo said and my head started aching again the everything went black.

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