Chapter 1

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Nayeon's Pov

"Hey, Nayeon, are you thinking of someone?" Namjoon asked me. We are eating inside the restaurant and I've been spacing out since we go out together.

"What? Ah no. It's nothing. Let's eat" I said to him but the moment I saw our plate I realize that we are done eating so I just look at him and smiled.

"Are you okay? You've been like this since this morning" he said and hold my hand tight. I don't know what I'm feeling right now but it feels like I'm missing someone. Someone that I can't remember.

"I promise. I'm fine" I said and we both went out the restaurant.

"Do you still want to go somewhere or do you want me to take you home?" Namjoon ask when we were inside his car.

"Let's go home. I want to rest" I said. Namjoon and I been together for 3 years and I'm happy to find a man like him. He's not like some other guy there, Namjoon's so gentleman and mature.

"Take care" I said and went out his car.

"Rest well. I love you" he said but I just smiled at him. I never said that I love him for 3 years. I just can't say it.

Mina's POV.

"Does Nayeon really can't remember what happened 5 years ago?" I ask Chaeyoung while preparing our dinner.

"No, she can't" Chaeyoung said while taking care of our dwarf, Mihyo.

"Why can't noona remember Jeongyeon noona?" Mihyo ask and leave with Chaeyoung.

??? POV.

"When will you bring me back home?" I ask one of my friends while drinking some cola.

"We still don't know. She can't still remember you or what happened 5 years ago" he said that makes me more mad at him.

"Fuck it! Then bring me back home so I can face her! I don't care if she can't remember me. Just, let me see her face" I said while tears are falling down my eyes.

"Fine. But please, once you saw her. I don't want to see you crying" he said in a more serious tone. I don't know why but I felt my heart ache.

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