Chapter 1

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I woke to the sun shining through my rather crap curtains. I glanced at the clock. 7am. I sighed. Why is it, that whenever it is holidays, I always seem to wake up early?! Life is not fair. I grab my phone off the charger and check, once again, if Brooklyn has accepted me on Instagram. Yes, I know he only accepts family and trusted friends, but you know, a girl can dream. I also check if he has seen my direct message, no, and my feed.

I like a number of photos and feel my tummy rumble. Damn, have to use energy to get out of bed. I got out of bed, said hello to my Niall cutout, and my many posters, just incase they are real.

I sluggishly wander to the kitchen, bumping into many walls on the way. Silence. That means mum and dad are at work and Tilly, my sister, is most likely asleep. I make myself breakfast, still half asleep, then headed back to bed and moarned over how I will never meet Brooklyn Beckham or One Direction. Especially Brooklyn. I live in Australia, so I'm on the other side of the world basically. Yeah, no chance. Also, he is dating Chloë. She's seems nice so I'm not that fussed and don't want to kill her like SOME people.

My dog, Harry, follows me into my room and hops up on my bed. He immediately falls back asleep. You lazy boy, I love you though.

I text my best friend Madi, complaining about how I want to move to London and go to Brooklyn's school. But, what if he doesn't like me? Then my dreams would be ruined. Pfft, whatever.

I check the date. 3 days until we head off to England to see my mums side of the family. Yay, I'm seeing my grandma, AND going to England, but mum and granny are gonna fight. Better bring earplugs.

Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. Hayley. I'm 15 and I live in Australia. I'm also shy, but when you get to know me, I get pretty crazy.

Suddenly my mind clicks. Brooklyn is in London because in England it is a school term. I may go to London. YAAAASSSSS! Finally a chance. Don't get your hopes up. Breath Hayls. In and out. In and out.

I go and stare at more photos of him, and check his vine. Oooh new vine! I watch that one and replay my favourite one over and over again. (The one where he is dancing to Birthday by Katy Perry). I also watch his ice bucket challenge because I love his voice 😍.

I start to get too hot so I stick one leg out of bed. Too cold. Damn I just can't do anything right today can I. I finish my breakfast and start to pack. I won't have any time tomorrow as I am going to Madis, so I should probably do it today. Few pairs of shorts incase it is warm. Two dresses, jeans, leggings, tops etc. I'm not very fashionable and don't enjoy shopping so most of my clothes are from the op shop (Vinnies.)

I get changed into shirts and a tshirt, pull my hair into a ponytail and go outside to shoot some hoops.

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