Seoul is known for having loads of mafias.But no one knows who they are and where they are.They could be your average teenager,teacher,brother,student....
Meet NCT.The biggest gang with the most diversity out there.
If you think you're safe,think ag...
Yang:"... w-what... what are you doing here?? Didn't you die?" Jaemin:"well YangYang... since you're probably a new member, you probably know some of the ways of people not knowing about the gang... Well... me dying was an excuse, obviously, and I'm still alive..."
Jaemin was YangYang's good friend in school. They were in the same class as well, but one day he was announced dead. But apparently... he isn't
Jaemin:" it's good to see you YangYang"he smiles adorably They hug and laugh at their awkward meeting Jaemin:" let me teach you"he says mockingly while looking at the elevator Yang:"oh shut it" they laugh off
Jaemin showed YangYang how the elevator was opened and controlled. There was a little dot next to the door. So all you have to do is put your hand nwxt to the dot. Then you just say 'up' and the elevator will bring you back to the alley.
Jaemin:"I'm 100% positive that you're amazd by all of this" They were like best friends.Alway laughing, mocking each other, told each other almost everything.... they are finally reunited Yang:"this is all so unreal... but it is real that's what's making it even better." Jaemin:"I thought about you a lot" Yang:"you did? " The other nods as an answer Jaemin:"luckily, I met some amazing people that made me very happy... It's good that you're here" Yang:"I've already met some pretty decent people" he thinks about everyone he met and started slightly blushing when he remembered a certain male. Jaemin:"is THE YangYang blushing?!" Yang:"oh shut it" The other laughs slightly at him
The next day was a total wreck. YangYang was nervous half of the time and he even saw Xiaojun acting like there's nothing going on. Damn he's good.
Mr.Suh:"okay,class dismissed...YangYang please stay here for a bit"
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The said male nods and takes his time, clearing his table. Xiaojun entered the room as well. He thought he was caught. Why else would his English teacher want to have a chat with them?!?
Yang:"yes sir?" Mr. Suh:"don't sir me... we're best friends now" he smiles The male was very confused Yang:"e-excuse me?" Xiaojun:"oh! Right... YangYang... Mr. Suh is also in our gang" Johnny :"so please just call me Johnny" Yang:"Wait..... what?!!??"