5: Mr Willow Called...

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School was shit as per usual. I didn't really see Ben for the rest of the day, maybe once as I walked past Mr Willow's room, but I don't think he saw me. I hope he wasn't being berated because he will just take that out on me, and I really cannot be bothered with that. Just avoid him. Steer clear and stay away. That way, you don't get hurt.

After English with Mrs Steel, I was finally able to leave and go home. Noah had Maths last thing so we just walk separately because Mr Shrine never lets them leave early, so we just decided that I could just go home.

The journey takes 7 minutes 45 seconds on a good day, 10 minutes on a bad day. I got home in about 9 minutes, so today was very meh. When I got in, mum was in the kitchen belting her heart out to Lady Gaga while doing the dishes. I love how happy she is. When she noticed me, she shit herself.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, you're going to give me a heart attack!" she yelled.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I just walked into the kitchen. I shall stomp a little louder next time haha."

She hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Okay, so I got a call off school today..."


"... and Mr Willow told me about what happened with that arsehole kid."


"Now, I'm not sure how you kids sort stuff out these days, but if you want me to go fight his mum, I will and I will make sure that I win."


"OMG no of course I don't want you to do that. Thank you though, you really are the best."

"I mean only if you are sure, I reckon if I got my flats on and some track bottoms, I could take her."

"I'm sure you could mum, but I don't want to be murdered at school because you want to brawl Ben's mum."

"Okay, that's fair enough. Let me know if you change your mind."

"I will do. I love you mum, just going to go do some work in my room."

"Okay son, love you too"

I left to go upstairs and when I got up there, I just collapsed onto my bed. Within seconds I was out cold.

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