Mr.D's Mad Cooking Show

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I stared at Mr. D in shock. Cooking? I mean, maybe I could be good at cooking. People say it's a type of art. What could I do? Frost a cake. Hmm...I'll probably be good at it.

"Now, introducing the only mortal in Camp Half-Blood, Rachel Dare!"

I walked onto the stage in my blue jeans, white T-Shirt, and converse, waving.

"What will you be making for use Rachel?"

"Something we're gonna learn together," I said, smiling "to frost a cake!"

I then took my phone out and did a quick google search.

"Alright I need a cake, frosting in white, purple, pink, and blue, and then I need white and gold fondant."

My orders appeared in front of me. "Thanks!"

I rolled out the fondant and draped it over the cake, smoothing out any creases. I then mixed white frosting with all of the other colours of frosting, to get a pastel version of all of them. I then put them around the top and the back of the cake, in curls, adding some flowers along the way.

Then, with the gold fondant, I made a spiral cylinder and small rounded triangles, along with making a bit larger ones, out of white fondant. Finally, I made two eyes on the front of the cake, adding eyelashes along the way.

"You made a unicorn cake?" Mr.D asked.

I nodded. "My cousin's birthday is next week. I decided to kill two stymphalian birds with one stone." I explained.

He nodded. "And you say you've never decorated a cake before?"

"No, sir."

"Well you did well for your first time, I guess being an artist helps with that."

"Yes, sir."

Then, the curtains closed, and I was done.

PJO Magazine Edition #7: June 2019Where stories live. Discover now