Micheal Bricken

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Facebook messenger August 10th, 2014 8:09 pm

To: Miranda Lazarus

From: Micheal Bricken

Hey Miranda! Just saw you log on and thought I'd message you. See how things are going. I heard about Adkin's new job and wanted to congratulate you guys on the good fortune. He's been wasting away in that office for way to long anyway; it was time for a change.

Natasha told me about Alicia making the honor roll again and being enrolled for the spelling bee. I can't believe how smart she is for just five years old! I know you both talk about how odd it is for her to be sleepwalking in the middle of the night, but I don't think you need to worry. She's a very smart little girl and I'm sure it's just something minor. I feel like I remember Adkin mentioning he had an aunt who sleep walked.

Anywho, I wanted to talk to you about your delightful sister. I know you're already fully aware of what she's been up to since I logged onto her account a few hours ago and happened to find your conversations, along with a LOT of other evidence.

As you know, she's been cheating on me with a man from the coffee shop next door to her work. The one with the massive spinning coffee cup for a sign. Yep. A real winner, right? Well, I already know what you think of him, since I've seen your messages and whatnot. You really think she'd be so much happier with a low-income hipster than a financially secure, well mannered, loving husband? Just because I'm impotent? Just because you think I'm gay because I like to dress well. I'm sorry not all of us want to dress like a thrift shop hobo.

Well, we're all entitled to our own opinions, even if they're selfish. You wanting to be an aunt is a very poor excuse for encouraging her horrible behavior. Maybe it's because of how huge a failure you are as a mother that you want my wife to breed like some bitch dog. Little nieces and nephews for you to play with now that Alicia's getting out of her cute phase, right? She's not as cute anymore, not letting you dress her up and parade her around, Now that she's developing a personality you don't want her. What a useless excuse for a parent you are.

If you're so desperate to have small children in your life why don't you have more of your own? Oh, that's right, Adkin won't fuck you more than twice a year. You have to get him drunk and loaded up on Viagra to get him hard enough to put it in you. He told me all about it. Said you stopped shaving, look like a fucking gorilla, and don't even shower as much as you used to. That's disgusting. Take better care of yourself before you start giving advice to other people.

Between you and I, it's no wonder Adkin's been playing with the babysitter. Saddie's pretty cute, and a lot more polite than you are to him. If you were half as attentive to him as the little babysitter is maybe he'd fuck you more. Or maybe if you'd go take a fucking shower and groom. I don't blame him even a little bit. Especially knowing that shit personalities run in your family. Hope Alicia doesn't inherit it.

Anyway, back to why I originally decided to reach out to you. I've had enough time to think about what I found. I saw all the pictures synced to her iTunes, all the slutty videos and messages. I never knew she was even that flexible. Did you know she likes being choked out? I didn't, and I wish to God I never had the unfortunate chance to see video of his bony claw for a hand wrapped around her neck with her begging him to go harder. Who in the hell gets off to that?

Honestly, I was so furious when I first found her account still logged in on my iPad that I thought about killing her. I fantasized about bashing her in the skull with a hammer when she came in from work, tying her up, and doing horrendous things to make her pay for the pain I was in. I wanted to break her bones slowly, pull her hair out strand by strand, use that hot wax she loves to rip her skin off in sheets. For a while I even entertained the notion of killing her boyfriend in front of her in the basement.

Whew, that got me going again. Sorry, didn't mean to get so descriptive!

Don't worry, she's alive and well with that coffee shop hippy. For now. If she stays that way is up to you. I may not have hurt her, much, but I have put her in a position that can end her life easily. It just takes a long time. It's been about three hours now; I've spent all this time waiting on you to log on so I could message you. You see, since you were such a supporter of her slutty ways, I decided that there would be no better solution to this problem than to get all three of you at the same time.

She and her boyfriend have been put in a secure container somewhere in the map I'm sending along with this message. I want you to suffer with the knowledge that you can save her and the man you want to father your nieces and nephews, but know that you have such a low chance of success. Their punishment is being together till death do them part, like she promised to me. I'm not giving you any more clues than the map, but there's a clue in the map itself that will take you directly to her. I don't think you're intelligent enough to find it though.

Happy hunting sister-in-law.

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