First Kiss

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Tord Pov:

I sent a official letter to The Rebellion base that I'm visiting today, so everyone knows I'm coming and not to shoot me on sight.

I brought a large Smirnoff bottle and chocolates for Tom and I'm wearing a very formal suit that is red with a white undershirt and a tie that matches the suit.

"I really don't want to do this Torm-"

"Shut up, the doors are opening," Torm cuts me off as the door to The Rebellion base opens, revealing Edd with a smile.

"Tord! Welcome back!" Edd says. "You came back so early!" Edd gives a confused but soft expression. "But why?"

"I.. I was kind of hoping I could see.." I say and gulp. "Tom?"

"Oh!" Edd says. "Well come right in and I'll go get him," Edd makes room for Torm and I to walk in, then Torm and I walk in and Edd leads us to the lounge. "I'll be right back with Tom."

Edd walks out of the room and Torm immediately looks at me with a glare, saying, "Go according to plan Tord, because this is going good so far and we can't afford a mess up."

"Okay! Okay!-"

"What do you two want now?" We hear and look to the door to see Tom with his arms crossed and a annoyed look spread on his face.

"Oh Tom!" I say to Tom and get up, walking over to him. I hold up the large Smirnoff bottle and chocolates. "These are for you!"

I feel sick.

Tom raises a eyebrow to me, making me sweat.

"If this whole thing is about you wanting to make a truce, you might as well drain out that bottle of Smirnoff into a sink and throw away those chocolates because I'm not doing it," Tom says to me, making his annoyed expression more clear.

"Tom I'm just trying to-"

Torm slaps a hand on my mouth and says to Tom, "I believe what my Cousin is trying to say is that he would like for you to take these items no matter if you want to become his acquaintance or not." Torm takes his hand off my mouth and asks me, "Right Cousin?"

"That's exactly what I was trying to say," I say and nervously smile.

Tom holds back laughter for a minute before he bursts out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask Tom.

"The leader of a communist army is acting so obedient to a ten year old!" Tom says and wheezes dramatically.

"Once again with the ten years old thing?" Torm asks Tom then sighs. "You don't seem to understand Thomas," Torm looks up to Tom. "I am only nudging my Cousin in the right direction to becoming your acquaintance since he has absolutely no clue how to because his head is hallow," Torm knocks my head, making me growl a bit. "So as I politely asked yesterday, would you please tolerate my idiot Cousin and not treat him so harshly?"

Tom becomes silent and looks at Torm intensely with Torm looking back the same way.

"No," Tom says to Torm but looking at me. "I refuse."

Tom walks out of the room before we can respond and Torm spins toward me.

"Go to him," Torm says.

"What?" I ask.

"Go to him and do what you think fits the situation,"

"What about the pla-"

"Screw the plan," Torm points to the door. "Go."

"Fine," I walk out of the door, obediently.

Tom Pov:

I walk down the hallway until suddenly I see a arm slam onto the wall right in front of me, stopping my walking and instantly turning my back to the wall to see who the hell the arm belongs to.

"Tom," Tord says in a angry growl.

"What?" I ask in the same voice.

"You need to consider-"

"No I don't and you can't make me-"

I instantly feel lips pressed against mine and my digital eyes widen.

Tord is kissing me?!

I try to punch him off, but he just pins my arms to both sides of my head. I squirm and struggle for a few minutes before I give in and let it happen. I can feel blush spreading across my entire face as some saliva drips down my chin. My body shakes and some tears fill my eyes.

I don't want this... I.. I don't want this... I hate him... I hate him... I hate him! I'm straight! I've always.. Been... Straight....

Tord Pov:

I pull back and look down at Tom to see his eyes tearing, saliva dripping down his chin, blush covering his entire face, and his body quivering. Completely submissive... All of it makes my heart repeatedly thump and blush spread across my face.

Oh fuck.. What is this feeling?

"Let go! Let go!" Tom screams and weakly kicks my legs.

I let go of his wrists and he glares at me before running away at full speed.

"You did good," I hear voice say which makes me turn my head to see Torm lightly clapping.

"He didn't look happy-"

"All that matters is that this will change something in the future," Torm cuts me off and stops clapping. "That kiss, is going to do something."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I don't," I look at him with uncertainty. "But I do know that Tom isn't used to being kissed like that in this Dimension, so it'll change his mind about a few things," Torm shrugs his shoulders. "But fate will decide what things that kiss changed in his stubborn mind." I sigh and look down. "Wait a minute!" Torm laughs. "You're blushing!"

I blush even more and scream, "No I'm not!" I cover my face.

"You are! You are!"

"Shut up!"


I actually got some TomTord in there!

You're welcome readers!

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