Sneaking out

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When I got into my house it was about half six.

I went into the living room and started watching TV.

"Lola!" My mum shouted from in the kitchen.

"Yeh" I shouted back.

"Where were you, did you go to school?" She was still shouting even though she was walking into the living room.

"I told you where I was mum" I said.

"Why didn't you go to SCHOOL!"

"What the hell are you talking about I did".

"Lola Gillie, did you just swear at me?" She said shocked.

"Come on it's hardly a swear word" I was getting really annoyed.

"Lola...get to your room... NOW!!!" She said calmly but angry.

I took my car keys of the coffee table and opened the front door, I walked over to my car and got in. I saw my mum standing at the door crying but I just drove of.

I don't know where I'm going to go so I thought I would go round to Michelle's, even though she just dropped me of.

I got up to get door and rang the bell, her dad answered the door.

"Hi is Michelle in?" I asked him.

"Yeh come in" I stepped in and just stood while her dad shouted on her.

"Michelle!Michelle!" He shouted.

"What?" She said from upstairs.

"Your friend, what's your name?"

"Lola" I said.

"Your friend Lola is here" he shouted.

"Invite her up" she said.

He just looked at me and pointed upstairs and smiled.

I ran up and went into her room.

All of her wardrobe clothes were on the floor.

"Wow, what's going on here?" I asked.

"I don't know what to wear" she said.

"For what?" She just looked at me in shock

"The biggest house party ever" she said in a shocked voice.

"The what?" I just looked at her.

"Every school in Orlando will be there, well not every school, you have to come" she said.

I just looked at her and started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"Because your so serious" I told her.

"But you do need to come" she said.

"Fine, but I don't have anything to wear" I am so not going back home after what happened with my mum.

"It's fine I'll just drop you of at your house and you can get ready" she said.

"No, so not happening" I told her

"Why?" She asked.

"Mum and daughter fight" I said.

"Ohh, well here" she handed me this gorgeous purple skinny dress with long sleeves, it was mid-thigh and had a diamanté collar. I got changed in her room while she got changed into dark denim high waisted shorts, and a white top.

When we were both finished she took me into another room that had wardrobes all the way round with mirrors on every door. I looked at myself through one, the dress fitted perfectly, it showed my curves and my lightly tanned skin. I saw Michelle digging through a drawer, then lift up a pair of 6 inch purple heels.

"Wear these" she said tossing me the heels.

"I can't, I'll break my ankle if I do" she looked at my with a 'are you serious' look on her face.

"Fine, but your driving me to A&E" I said.

"It would be my pleasure" she started digging out another pair of shoes, while I went and put the shoes on.

We both walked down stairs and was about to walk out the door.

"Where are you too going?" Her mum said from through the kitchen, Michelle's kitchen was open so that you could see everything that was going on in the hall and in the living room.

"Out" Michelle said.

"No your not, don't think you can just walk out of here without asking me!" She said raising her voice louder as she got closer to us.

"Well I've done it plenty of times before and you haven't even noticed" Michelle said back cheekily, this is so awkward for me, I just looked down and my feet.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, go to your room and don't come down" Michelle marched up the stairs as I followed her.

When we got into her room she opened the window and stepped outside looking down to see where she was going.

"What are you doing" I whispered to her

"I'm going to this party!" She whispered back "come on".

I looked out the window and Michelle was almost at the bottom, I took my heels of and started walking down on the pipes bare footed.

When I got to the bottom Michelle had already got her car and was waiting for me in the drive.

"No, I brought my car" I hissed.

"Fine" she got out her car and in mine.

I took the brake of and let my car just roll down a wee bit, so that her mum and dad didn't hear us. When we were far enough away I started the car and drove off.

"Give me directions" I said.

"It's just right behind the school" she said chilled out.

"What!?" Behind the school well that's great.

"Wow calm down the teachers have went home now, and I only told you to park there, I didn't say this is where the house was" she said still chilled out.

I calmed down a wee bit, I looked at the school as we drove past it. It reminded me of Jason, I don't want to forget about him, but he's not ruining me on having a good time.

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