Last Goodbyes

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My dad had always told me every night "when times are hard you can always get through them no matter what happens".

That was before he died of ulcerative colitis disease (a horrible disease hence the name). That's my first lesson; Never give up. Well I'm guessing I'm going to get taught my second lesson this week. My family has decided that we should "all" move to Orlando, were they got the idea of Orlando from I don't have a clue. Well I suppose it's not that bad I have a phone and I can talk to friends and catch up with everything that's going on.

So this is me packing clothes, school work all my technology ready to get going. When I finally get to the car, looking behind me to check if I have dropped anything, my mum tells me that I will need to take my own car because we won't be able to come back for it.

Okay although I have my driving licence I am still not great a driving it just gets better when my sister tells me that I will need to take her with me because there is no room in mums car.

"Who's taking all the animals?" I asked her she shrugged her shoulders and replied.

"I don't know ask mum". The thing about Katie is she is so lazy she won't do one thing for you unless its for her.

When I started walking up to my mum I was kinda getting the answer to my own question but I decided to ask anyway.

"What's up?".

"nothing I was actually coming to ask who was taking the animals but I guess you are".

I could tell my mum didn't know how to keep Pets safe so I looked and asked "we're did you get this idea from."

"if it's wrong then it's not my fault I have been watching you and I thought I had got it right this time".

"Well ask me first I don't want to find out that all my pets died just because they got bashed about in the back of a car".

My mum had squashed them all up, one on top of the other

It may sound like I have a lot of pets but really all I have is two dogs one of them is a husky called Snowy (Katie's idea of a name) and a German Shepard named Ziggy (my idea of a name). Two gerbils named Buzz and Woody (Taylor my brother's idea of names) one bunny rabbit called Vader and a parrot called Cukoo. Hopefully we can get more but my mum always tells me that we have enough animals but she says that about everything. After I finish help putting the animals correctly and safely back into the back I say my last goodbye to my friends and walk into my going to be old room looking around it looks massive now that it's empty, my black and white walls with blue-tac still on them from my posters.

"I'm really going to miss this place" I thought. The one thing that I'm not going to miss is my neighbours there all so grumpy but we didn't say goodbye to them they never talk to us so what's the point they probably won't notice were gone anyway.

Keys in: Check.

Check mirrors: Done.

Deep breath: Check.

Foot down and ready to go: I wish.

"Could you be any slower mums probably there by now!".

"Ohh I'm sorry Katie but do you want me to crash the car then you won't be able to moan at me".

"haha that's hilarious" she replies.

I might sound like I'm Horrible big sister but that's what we do we moan at each other then we have our laughs, it's our thing.

This whole driving isn't to bad although I'm still just outside my house, but just when I was getting the hang of things I see a van parked just at the side of the road and car coming towards me I'm still driving deciding what to do when I relize that the car is not going to stop, I soon decided that I would pull over and be sensible. That's when my sister had to start moaning at me again.

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