House Party

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When I got home I dashed through the house and up to my room, I was so excited.

I heard the doorbell go, he can't be here now I'm not ready and it's only half five.

But my mum shouts up to me "Lola you have friends at the door for you".

Must be Grace and Patrick.

"Send them up please" I shouted down to her.

I heard them coming upstairs.

"In here" I shouted.

I was getting changed into my short sleeved, knee high, navy blue dress with a thin white belt and a bow on.

"Look at you" Grace said.

"Do you like it, is it to dressy?" I asked her.

"No, it's perfect" she told me.

I looked over and saw Patrick at the door.

"Do you like it?" I asked him.

"Stunning" he said.

"Thanks" I told them.

I looked at what Grace was wearing, she had an orange dress, with small orange flowers down the bottom, it was just above the knees and to finish it of with a black belt. Patrick was wearing baggy dark jeans, with grey top and a black fleece over the top.

"Wait... Your not done" Grace said.

"How?" I asked confusingly.

"Make up and hair" he said shocked that I forgotten, I would of been shocked at my self to. Grace done my make up while Patrick handed her the equipment and I done my hair.

"Finished" she said.

I looked in the mirror, I've never seen myself look so pretty, I don't mean to brag but Grace was amazing at make up she had done my eyebrows perfectly, so that they were both the exactly the same. For my eye make up she put dark grey with a hint of sparkle in it and black eyeliner just at the top eyelid.

"Wow" I was speechless "this is a work of art" I told her.

I finished doing my hair, it wasn't that fancy I had just straightened and put it up in a perfect ponytail, with long strands hanging down at each side of my fringe, which I curled.

I forgot all about what shoes I'm going to wear, so I raided through my shoes and found the perfect ones they were navy blue, obviously with a cute white bow at the side of it they were about 3 inch.

I finished getting ready, it was perfect timing because Jason rang my doorbell.

"Have good time, probably won't see you but have fun" Grace says to me.

"Thanks and I will" I told her as I hugged her.

"Have fun" Patrick says.

"I will" I told him.

I walk down stairs with both of them behind me and answer the door.

"Hi" I say smiling.

"Wow, am I dreaming, you look beautiful" he says to me.

I blush a wee bit and walk with him down my path, I look to see the truck but instead it's a motorbike. I stop.

"What's wrong?" He asks me worriedly.

"Nothing" I say and keep walking.

When we get to the end of the road, he walks up to the bike and tosses me a helmet.

"Sorry for the surprise" he says.

"No it's fine" it's really not. I have to take my hair out so I can out my helmet on, now I'm going to get helmet hair. I sit at the back and he at the front, I don't know where to hold on that's when he takes my hands and puts them round his hips.

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