Hostile Takeover

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All For One's assault had failed. All Might had used the last of his power to defeat him. All For One had been arrested and placed in super prison Tartarus. But it was not a complete failure, for All Might has used the last bit of his power to defeat him. This forced All Might to retire from being the Number One Hero, passing that title on to Endeavor. Joker and Toga reconvene at the former Midoriya Household.


Toga rushes to the Joker and hugs him. Then she gives him a big kiss.

Toga: Glad to have you home sweetie! How was it?

Joker: It was SO fun! I even ran into Ochaco!

Toga: How was she?

Joker: She had her mind blown when she saw all those babies! She even volunteered to watch over them!

Toga: Aw!!!! How nice of her!

As she finished, Joker flashes a smile. 

Joker: So how's the League?!

Toga: Shigaraki wants to meet us. Said something about 'new plans' or something. He's so mean!

Joker: You know what Himiko? I think it's time for a hostile takeover! It's time we put a big fat smile on the big bad League of Villains! Where do they want us? 

Toga: At the warehouse we met last time. What are you planning?! TELL ME! TELL ME! 

Joker: Now now Himiko! Why spoil the fun? And'll be a doozy!

Joker and Toga share a mad laughter as they begin to kiss. The mad couple leave the house, but not before putting Ochaco's bloody helmet on an altar of sort. Meanwhile at the warehouse, what's left of the League of Villains wait for Joker and Toga to show up.

Shigaraki: Where the hell are those two?

Dabi: Don't ask me. 

Twice: THEY'RE LATE! We should just continue without them. BUT IT'S SO UNPROFESSIONAL! They brought it upon themselves!

Mr. Compress: Maybe we should go look for them. Last time they were late, they were doing unpleasant things that ruined our plans.

Spinner: I don't know why we deal with these lunatics! We should never have been associated with scum like that!

Suddenly, Toga skips her way to the warehouse. 

Dabi: That's one crazy accounted for. Now for the other one.

Shigaraki: Toga! Where's Joker?

Toga: Joker's just dealing with some private business! He'll be here soon! 

But Joker's unsettling and slow laughter begin to echo through the warehouse. They soon see Joker doing a dance as he walks up to Shigaraki. 

Joker: Sorry I'm late! Had some business to take care of!

Shigaraki: What kind of business? Last time you were late, our plans were ruined because of that! And right now, I'm tempted to vaporize you right here right now!

Joker: We need to have a talk.

Shigaraki: Huh?

Joker: There's a clear difference between you and me. You are a schemer. You have plans for whatever you have planned. Me? I'm someone who just wants to create chaos! I'm an agent of chaos! And when it comes to action, I'm the one who just does it! Your plans are just jokes. And bad ones too! 

Shigaraki: Think you're better than me clown?!

Joker than pulls out a gun and shoots Shigaraki's kneecaps, sending him to the floor. 

Dabi: What the hell are you doing?!

But before Dabi could use his Quirk, Toga jumps on his back and slits his throat ear to ear. Joker takes his gun and then proceeds to shoot Compress, Twice and Spinner in the head. All before they could react to what Joker had done. Joker lets out a big laugh and sees Shigaraki crawling towards him. 

Joker: Oh look at you Mr. Hand Man! Are you going to try and use your Quirk on me? Good luck! 

Joker pulls out a machete and proceeds to hack off both of Shigaraki's hands, leaving him in great pain. Joker takes the Hand Mask over Shigaraki's face and pulls if off of Shigaraki. Joker lets out a mad laugh. 

Joker: What's wrong Mr. Hand Man! Need a hand? Oh......too soon? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Shigaraki writhes in pain, Joker begins to start dancing while singing a song. 


Joker slowly waltzes over to Shigaraki. 

Shigaraki: bastard! 

Joker: You might not believe this, but I feel bad for you! Cause like you, I was once writing in pain and hopelessness. Though I'll probably guess yours is more literal! Anyway, I felt that way when a certain Symbol of Peace told me I couldn't be a hero, simply because I wasn't born with a Quirk. 

Toga: That meanie!

Joker: And in a way I have to thank All Might for that. And Kacchan for making me his punching bag! If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here! I wouldn't have known my true purpose! All I wanted was to save people with a smile! But I had it wrong! I was meant to create mayhem and chaos with a smile on my face!

Shigaraki:! YOU!!!!

Shigaraki tried everything in his power to try and kill Joker, but he was powerless to do so. He couldn't use his Quirk as his hands were hacked off. All he could do was listen to Joker's words.

Joker: I just smashed all your dreams to pieces! I know you're very angry at me, but let's put a smile on that ugly face of yours!

Joker used the flower on his suit to spray his Joker gas on Shigaraki's face. He started laughing uncontrollably. As his laughter grew louder and more hysterical, Shigaraki could only watch in horror as everything he worked to build fall before his eyes. His laughter soon stopped as he died the way Muscular did. And with that, the League of Villains was wiped out. Only Joker and Toga remained as they simply laughed.

Toga: What now sweetie?

Joker: It's time to take our fun to the next level! This Hero Society won't know what hit em! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toga joined in with her mad lover as they both laughed at what the future would bring. The Joker was ready to have fun.

One Bad Day (Joker Deku AU Book One)Where stories live. Discover now