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Your pov


I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling. 'Where did I see him from?' Yesterday he had showed up and just.. .left.. did he steal any books? I hoped not. I turned my head and started at clock, I only had 20 minutes to get dressed. I sighed and got up, getting (favorite outfit) and putting it on and brushing my (hair length) hair.

I put my shoes on, grabbing my keys and glancing at my TV to make sure it was turned off when it hit me. 'That's where he's from! He's-.....what was his name again? Giles? Gilmore?...I think it was Gillian. I shook my head and walked out of my house to my shop once again 'he's famous! Why would he come here? My shop is so....unoriginal..' I frowned slightly "whatever I need to stop overthinking things!" I said outloud, hopeing no one heard me only to feel peoples gazes on m back, causing me to walk a little faster.

I soon arrived at my shop and opened it, going inside and sitting at the counter once again. I sighed and picked up my book, thigs can be a little boreing here sometimes but atleast its not toom busy! I herd the door open and glance up to see the familiar albino once again, he looked at me then back at the books. I couldnt look away imidiatlly and noticed that there was a small yellow sphere on the top of his head "What the...?" I muttered to myself only for the sphere to turn around. 'A bird?! Who brings a bird to a book store?!' I mentaly screamed looking down at my book.

I quickly got caught up in my book, not noticeing the Red eyed-German standing infront of me, until he small but obviously fake cough makeing e jump in supprise. "O-oh...sorry about that" I said, my cheeks tuning pink with embarissment as i quickly put my book down and look at the counter to see what books he was getteing. "It's alright Frau, I vas just getting zhese awsome books, but zhey vont be awesomer zhean me Kesesese." I blinked "ok, that'll be 9.34$" i said turning away and scanning the book and putting it into a bag. When i turnted back around the German had placed down a ten along with a slip of paper, "Zhanks frau, keep zhe change!" he winked at me and took the bag, I could here him 'kesese-ing' as he walked out the store.

 I put the money in the register then glanced down at the paper, picking it up.

'Call me~

(xxx) xxx-xxx-xxxx

          -The awesome Gilbert'

I felt my cheeks heat up, 'oh.......oh my god! He just gave me his number!' I leaned over the counter, almost as if expecting to see him there. I sighed and shook my head, leaning back in my chair and just stareing at the oposite wall for a moment. 

'I cant beleave he gave me his number...'

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