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Your pov


My and girlbert chatted happily for what felt like mere seconds before I looked at the clock on my phone. "Oh crap we've been chatting for way longer then I realized! I loved talking to you but I should provablly go..." I got up and grabbed my things. As I glanced up at him, he opened his mouth about to say something before my interupted him, not realizing he walnted to talk till the very last minute. "It was nice talking to you, I'll see you around!" I pushed in my chair in and headed out quickly. 

As I was walking I mentally cursed myself for not letting him speak or atleast say bye. I shook my head 'Whatever, if he got mad at me he would just not show up to my shop anymore...Or what if he went there to confront me' I felt my body tense up slightly. Yes it mightve been something for me to get upset over but I didnt care, I was a friagile spirit. 

I walked back to my home and unlocked the door, openeing it and quickly going back inside. 'I wish I was able to talk to him more....It was kinda nice' I felt a small smile for at the corners of my lips, but quickly fell as I walked over to the kitchen to get a drink 'Why would he come bother me? He probablly stole some books or something but gult made him want to return it.' I poured my drink 'Or worse, hes just looking for a good time with someone he things he can use' I sighed then took a sip of (drink of choice) 'A relationship wouldn't even work, he'd want someone as famous or as cool as he... ' I put my drink down then shook my head "Damn I'm so depressing!" I said with a stiff laugh, going to my room to take off my bra and wear (Comfy clothes of your choice). I soon walked back into the kitchen to grab my drink then went to the living room to watch (show/Movie of choice) It was supposed to air on -Insert channel here- in a few hours and i really didn't want to miss a second of it.  "wheres my remote...?" I looked around for a moment befor getting up "crap I lost it!". I swiftly put my cup down and started quickly looking for the magic rectangle of power. 

It took a good awhile but I eventually found it on the kitchen table, I didnt even know how it get there since I dont remember takeing it out of the room in the first place. As soon as I sat down I herd a knock at the door 'Who dares dusturb me when I jus sat down?!?' I mentally hiss, reluctintlly getting back up once again and going to the door, I looked throught the peep hole to see none other then the red eyed albino from before 'HOW THE FU-' I hesitentlly opened the door a crack and looked out "Um, hi Gilbert, didnt expect to see you here....at my front door..." I trailed off slightly, hopeing it didnt sound too rude. He coughed awkwardly into his fist "Ja...you left jour store keys so zhe awesome me vanted to give zhese back."  I blinked and opened the door wider "Oh, thank you GIll...how did you find out where I live?" I asked takeing the keys "I kinda followed jou....But gave up so I googled jour store!" "Thats....kinda creepy..." "Nein! I used mein awesome detective skills! Zhe awesome me is anything BUT creepy!" I laughed slightly "okay then, we should hangout again, bye GIllbert" I closed the door on his face...right when he was about to say something...'i did it again!' I mentally said in annoyance 'Now he's definitally going to hate me, or think I hate him...NOT good..' I locked the door then went back to the couch. 'wait.....he saw me in my (comfy outfit of choice)! ACK-this is embarassing' I grabbed a pillow, quickly hideing my face in it, my cheeks burned fifty shades of red.

'I keep worrying about him WAY to much...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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