why me?

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Namjoon admits he wasn’t the best looking guy out there. He was cute, that was a given. But for a very handsome man to take interest in him, he found himself askingㅡ why him?

The silver-haired gazes at his boyfriend sitting in front of him. The attractive brunette is adorably telling him about his eventful day while dipping a french fry in his ketchup.

“Namjoon, ahhhh…” Taehyung holds the french fry across the table, his mouth wide open.

Namjoon looks around him; their booth is hidden from the fast food crew's view and the tables around them are empty. It's about half past 1 am and Taehyung just got off from a photoshoot. Namjoon decided to meet up with him since his place is near the building that the photoshoot took place in. Now, they’re here having an impromptu date in a 24-hour fast food chain.

The taller leans his head closer towards the food. However, Taehyung withdraws his hand and instead moves his head forward to meet Namjoon’s lips.

Taehyung giggles when Namjoon makes a surprised sound. Namjoon has his eyes wide open while Taehyung has his closed.

“Yummy, right?” Taehyung says as he pulls away for only a few inches.

“Jerk,” Namjoon grumbles and blushes. He retreats on his chairㅡ but Taehyung is sly enough to put a hand on the back of Namjoon’s head and pulled him again for another kiss.

The smooching sound between their lips resonates in the empty fast food chain. Namjoon can feel Taehyung smile within their kiss.

For real this time, Namjoon pulls away.

“No, Taetae, I already told you. No kissing in public.”

Taehyung leans back on his chair and pouts. “But there’s nobody here besides us, baby.”

Namjoon blushes at Taehyung’s statement. Even after being together for a year, he's still not used to Taehyung calling him pet names.

"Don't call me baby," Namjoon snarks. His boyfriend chuckles, already getting used to Namjoon's sassiness.

"Unless you mean it~" Taehyung sings. He puts a hand on his chest and ate the french on his other hand.

Namjoon fakes a grimace and grabs his burger and takes a huge bite into it.

His mouth is full and his cheeks are puffy while he's chewing. Taehyung props his elbow on the table and puts his cheeks on his large palms; watching Namjoon intently with a fond smile on his lips.

"Whaff?" Namjoon says, his voice kind of inaudible to understand.

Taehyung reaches out his left hand, and swipes a ketchup stain on the side of Namjoon's lips using his thumb. He brings his thumb to his mouth and licks it.

Namjoon is particularly shocked and a tiny bit grossed out at the action. It's sweet and disgustingㅡ a typical Taehyung thing to do. Namjoon falls and scrapes his knee? Don't worry, Taehyung would kiss it and maybe even lick it if it needed (not unlikely to happen). Namjoon bumps his leg on a table? Taehyung would perform a "magical spell" that would heal the bruise by kissing it gently. Namjoon cooks burnt eggs? Taehyung would eat it with gusto and call it the most delicious thing he has ever eaten and he would tell him Gordon Ramsay is quakingㅡ Taehyung's not even being sarcastic.

Namjoon doesn't know if it's because it's late or if it's because of what Taehyung did, but he asks Taehyung the question.

"Why me?"

Taehyung isn't expecting Namjoon to ask that out of nowhere. He isn't even sure what Namjoon's talking about.


Namjoon takes a sip on his drink and asks again. "Why me, Taehyung? Why did you choose me?"

"Where did that come from?" Taehyung looks at him in confusion.

Namjoon shrugs. "Nothing, I'm just wondering why. Why do you like me? I'm not even 'that' good looking, or kind, or caring, or whatever because let's be real; I'm not the best in anything. There are people who are far more better and good looking than me. I'm smart, but is that even good enough reason to like me?"

Namjoon tooks a sip on his coke after he finishes. Taehyung is about to say his reply when Namjoon continues.

"Remember Yoongi? That one guy in my department that you dumped when we're in University? He's the best in music production and songwriting and he's pretty popular. He's handsome too, and he has milky skin! He's the ideal guy but you-just-dumped-him," Namjoon says, emphasizing the last three words.

"Butㅡ" Taehyung is cut off again. He's not sure if he'd get jealous of Yoongi or not since Namjoon is downright complimenting the guy without even noticing it.

"Ssssh...I'm not done yet." Namjoon places his index finger on Taehyung's lips; the latter nipping on Namjoon's finger in protest.

"And do you remember Hoseok? That son of aㅡ"  Namjoon clears his throat when he realizes he's writhing in jealousy. Taehyung is chuckling at how Namjoon is getting jealous from guys who are literally just memories from the last few years. All of them have moved on, obviously. But it seems like Namjoon still has small grudges that Taehyung isn't even aware of.

"He's a hot guy, okay? Plus, he's the best dancer in our University and he's popular, too. He even has the guts to straight up do a lap dance for you from that 'night' in the party. Remember that?"

Taehyung laughs at the memory. It was a fun night. Namjoon was just literally beside him while he got a lap dance by Hoseok who's just drunk. He enjoys every second of it. Not the lap dance, but the seething jealousy coming from Namjoon. It was cute and it's the first time Namjoon was able to show how much he liked Taehyung. Man, if only he can go back. He's not sure Namjoon will want to, though.

"Of course I do. How could I forget? I won't ever forget the night you pushed someone's face and called me yours." Taehyung pinches Namjoon's left cheek.

"He deserves it," Namjoon says, letting Taehyung pinch his cheek just once this time.

"He's drunk, Joonie. But yeah he deserves it," Taehyung agrees, he chuckles. "Anyway, going back to your question. Why you? Hmmm..." Taehyung pretends to think.

"What is it?" Namjoon nudges him.

"Well, let me ask first. What's your name?" Taehyung asks and stares directly at his eyes.

Namjoon halts. "Huh? Why are you answering my question with a stupid question?"

"Just answer meee," Taehyung whines.

Namjoon rolls his eyes; thinking that this is probably another one of Kim Taehyung's antics.

"Kim Namjoon, duh." Namjoon stares at him unimpressed.

"Then there's your answer," Taehyung says and continues eating.

"What? What does that even mean?" Namjoon grumbles, hitting Taehyung's forearm lightly.

"They have the best burgers," Taehyung says, ignoring Namjoon's pleas.

"Yahhh, Taehyung, answer me!" Namjoon grabs and shakes Taehyung's arms.

"Say aahhh..." Taehyung shoves his burger to Namjoon without warning. Namjoon reluctantly bites into it. Taehyung puts the burger aside and kisses Namjoon's lips.

Namjoon frowns. Again, sweet but disgusting. Taehyung's unpredictability puts him off sometimes. He's a mystery sometimes, and he's anything but transparent. Now, why Kim Taehyung?

For once, Namjoon might have to agree to his boyfriend.

The answer is simple.

Because he's Kim Taehyung.


This low-key became a vmon and namkook book. :<

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