Chapter 1: The New Student

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        "Hey Carlen, wear this." a sudden voice erupted behind me. I turned around and leaned towards to the person's voice. With no hesitation, a sudden shadow hovered me. I looked up and found a tall male that had a nasty grin imprinted on his face. Shivering at his grin, I noticed that he had a pair of bikini clutched in one of his hands.

         "What?" I said confusingly. Already, I knew what was going to be answer or the next set of words that will slipped out of his mouth. I pressed my back against the lockers.

          "Hey, don't play stupid with me. Everyone knows one knows out of all the boys in this academy, you are the girly looking one." he said. I twitched at that assumption and my brows narrowed furiously at him. "And girls wear outfits like bikini. And you'll look so faaaaabulous in it." he said sarcastically, laughing out loud. Adrenaline raced through my veins and I had the urge to slap his face. I frowned. 

             "Hey!" I began. "It is not my fault that I inherited feminine features!" I argued back. His devious expression had melted to a serious and angry looking one. I shuddered slightly. Then, he threw the ridiculous outfit at me and I caught it in my hands. 

              "Tch," he tongue clicked and shoved his hands in his khaki pants. "You're boring." he said before turning away from me and walked towards to his class. When he was out of my sight, I drew in a deep breath and let it out harshly. I glanced down at the two piece and stared hard at the colours: pink.

                I threw the outfit on the wooden floor and kicked it away from me. I straightened my collar as I turned back towards to my locker and locked it. Class was about to start in a matter of time and cleverly, I ignored the outfit that was tossed on the ground and hurried back to my class.


              The school bell had just rung, signaling that class had started. I sat all the way to the left of the classroom and no, the windows were not visible now. At least not the glass. Somebody in the academy decided that it was a good idea to tint the windows using curtains and now, I could no longer see what was outside of the windows. The boys all gathered back in there seats and I put my head down, waiting for the teacher to get inside the room. Mumbles from conversations started to erupted the quiet air. 

          My name is Carlen Autlington and I'm sixteen, a current sophomore in the academy. My parents are away working overseas and I currently live with my step-brother in the house. I am the youngest one in the academy. This academy that I am attending is an All-Boys Academy and most boys here are jerks, douches, morons, idiots--well you get the point. They're assholes.

            It honestly sucks that I am the youngest because I get picked on a lot whether it is physical, verbal, or...or...sexual. Sexual because apparently, I look like a girl and the older boys here loves teasing and doing all kinds of things to reveal whether I am a boy or a girl. Honest to god, I am a boy. Last time I checked, I have a head, shaft, scrotum, and testicles. I am X + Y chromosomes that = a male.

              I don't understand how I look like a girl. I don't sound like one. It was probably my hair. My hair is a dark brunette color, layered and scruffy down to my collar bone. Maybe because I'm small too. I'm quite a tiny male specimen but still, what does that have to do with me and other accused me of looking like a female? I ran my hand in my hair. Just that incident in the morning.....oh god. I sighed frustrated. 

             Well, I am used to those kinds of treatments. I can't get help because no one would help me. I am alone, I have no friends. It is hard and I was surprised that I managed to live through it too. Just two more years....and I'll be out of here....and then this treatment will no longer bother me. I dug my face in my sleeves until the door opened and the room went completely silent.

The Conceal Secret ( Boy + Boy )-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now