Chapter 7

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We're all going to die not only us, the purgers will too. I cross my fingers, I don't know why. People do this for luck, or not breaking a promise. I never believed it. But I now do. The car passes and lets us pass for now. They move really slowly, to slowly that I see every single of them.

Rather than, a chubby guy stares at us for a quick second. Not knowing what to do, I turn my head quickly. I don't like it when people stare at me. I never did. Except if its someone cute. I would feel uncomfortable and awkward. They leave and were off to driving again.

We're still driving when all a sudden, some kind of rifle gun starts shooting. I cant tell where, the noise seems coming out of the other side of the street but when I look straight ahead, a blast of light hits. I can't tell where its coming from, by the movement of the light, I can tell its gun shots.

My thought tells me to duck. I've never had a popped thought that fast considering one time where the point Someone was dying in my arms. My father died the day of my birthday. I would always play with him, until one time. Me and him were playing, just a sudden, he couldn't breathe and fell on the floor. I dint know what was happening it was fast.

I couldn't do anything so I had in my arms the last seconds he said 'I love you'. He was to young to die. I guess he was around his thirties when he died. My mother came from work, worried, she ask what happen. My words dint even come out. I sobbed a lot. From the house, all the way to the hospital. Thats when they told us he had went to heaven.

My brother came hours later and with all the sadness, he cried also. We all huddled and cried. I loved my mother a lot, well I still lover her although shes not here.

The flashing lights seems to have hit the drivers and the truck flips. I shout 'duck' and everyone seems to have heard. Ruben's body protects me to whatever is gonna happen. The car suddenly stops and lands downwards. It was good it landed like this and we don't have to try. But when I try to get up and try, the weaker I am. I try a few more times, still I can't. I realize Ruben is on top of me.

Of course the 200 pound male is on top of me. I whisper real quiet, "Ruben"
No answer.

"Ruben! Ruben!"

This time I shouted. He moans as if he wore to wake up early in the morning. Ok. He's alive. I feel much better hearing his voice in the thought of it, it makes me safer and sometimes laughter. My body aching, he gets up and lets me settle on my feet. I don't know who lived. That ought to come next.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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