Chapter One

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Ron was having a meltdown.

This had become a regular occurrence for Ron, and Harry was trying to comfort him again.
Ron was lying across one of the plush velvet benches - practically a couch - that had somehow found their way into the library. He was a complete mess - face bright red and blotchy like he had just been crying. Ron had taken to completing this ritual daily in the company of Harry, who he used as someone to spill all of his feelings onto.
"I just love her so much you know?" Ron wailed as Harry awkwardly tried to pat his friend's shoulder.
Harry was trying his best to give Ron his full attention, but a streak of blonde had sped past in the corner of his vision.

Every evening when Ron took to the bench, Harry was there without avail. He would never want to admit to his friend that it wasn't a 100% selfless act and that part of what kept him there was the hope that he could see the rest of what made up that streak of blonde.

As Ron continued to blubber his way through another round of lovesick woes, Hermione came rushing into the library, her curls bouncing this way and that.
"Ron! Harry! I was practicing for potions class again in the bathroom...McGonagall has been on me again about bringing the substances into the dorms...and I need one of you to test out my potion for me."
Hermione puffs out the sentence and then turns on her heel, ready to race out again.
"Well, come on then! Meet me there in 5."
With Hermione now out of sight, Ron bolts upright, rubbing hurriedly at his eyes.
"I-I think I'm gonna go."
Ron blushes and Harry laughs, batting him away as Ron quickly gets up to follow Hermione.

God, how he wanted to love someone as hard as Ron loved Hermione. Harry sighs and slightly chuckles to himself as he moves to open his textbook on the table.
The night is still young and he knows that there is lots of work he needs to get done before class tomorrow. Knowing this, Harry still can't help but look up, feeling eyes on him. The blur of blonde is now still, and his eyes meet Harry's across the room.


Red blooms in Draco's cheeks and he quickly disappears behind a set of bookshelves.
Harry quickly averts his eyes, staring back down at his textbook not wanting to think about Draco's reaction.
Was Draco blushing, or was Harry simply imagining it? The thought made his insides squirm slightly.
There was no way. Harry had definitely imagined it.
He refocused on his textbook, pulling himself away from the present. He couldn't let himself get distracted...again.

Harry slowly worked his way through his set homework questions, and as time went by, he felt himself dozing off.
He fully intended to go back to his dorm for the night, but first he promised himself that he would finish the last two questions on the page...

A warmth had spread its way across his shoulders, Harry noticed, suddenly aware that his neck was killing him. He had been sleeping, cheek-to-textbook, but he was so very comfy where he was and the thought of going anywhere had not crossed his mind. that he thought about it, the blanket that was draped around his shoulders had not been there before. The warmth that he had felt had only just been placed there, so without moving the rest of his body, Harry slowly inched his eyes open.
The back of a blonde head was retreating out of the library doors, a waft of a musk he knew so well, lingering in the air.
Closing his eyes without quite realising, Harry had fallen asleep, only this time with the faintest tug of a smile on his lips.

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