Chapter Three

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Later that night, Harry found himself in the library once again, only this time Ron had started off with Hermione, so he was all alone.

The book that Harry had been studying from the night before had returned with the intention of more questions from it being answered.

The sound of a chair squealing against the floor of the library startles Harry, and he looks up to notice Draco is now sitting himself down.

"I assume this chair is free," Draco states bluntly without any question in his voice.
"Uh yeah. Totally available. Functional. Ready to be put to good use..." Harry mumbles the last of his sentence, becoming slightly frazzled by the situation.
Draco leans his elbows on the table in front of them and stares straight at Harry.
"So...did you want to work through these questions together or what?"
Harry stares back at Draco, now completely dumbfounded.
"I...uhm...I tend to do these questions alone? They take me quite a while to figure out, so it annoys most people. That's why I study for so long alone."
Draco's gaze softens slightly.
"You know I could show you how to do the questions faster if you wanted?"
Harry blinks at the suggestion.
Draco quickly snatches Harry's book and looks at the last unanswered question.
"You know it's really not that hard. If you just..."
Harry's eyes sting slightly with tears, and although he quickly tries to swipe them away he isn't fast enough, and Draco notices.
"Hey. What's wrong. What did I-"
Draco is cut off by Harry snatching back his book and quickly departing the table.
"Hey! Potter! What's wrong?!"
Draco is now almost yelling, and the other people in the library are now beginning to stare.
He gets up to go follow Harry, but Harry is no longer in sight.

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