Chapter Four

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Harry is now back in his dorm, alone. It is a somewhat comforting feeling for him, ruminating in his sadness for however long it lasts.
Harry had begun full-on crying the moment he had crossed the threshold into his room. He couldn't help it! Draco basically made him look like a fool. Harry hated always being seen as the 'dumb one' in class, constantly picked on by teachers and made fun of by students in Slytherin. As much as Hermione and Ron might tell him that it was just something to ignore, the pain of it all sometimes got to him.
Harry in that moment decided it was probably best if he spent the rest of term studying in his room at night. He could still be there for Ron when he was needed, but the moments of solitude and away-ness from other people might do him some good.

Harry sighed and put his head in his hands.

So maybe Draco hadn't meant to insult his intelligence and maybe he had simply been trying to help. Harry could see that now, as he kneaded his face in embarrassment. God, how did he manage to screw something up that quickly with Draco. If there even was something there.

Was there?

Harry cringed when he heard the sound of a knock at his bedroom door. "It's all good Ron, you can come in. I'm all decent," Harry called out.
"I'm sorry to hear that," came a different voice than Harry was expecting.
It was Draco.
Harry's face was completely red.
"Sorry to hear...?" Harry trailed off.
"Clothes. You have clothes on." Draco said.
"Oh, right. So. What do you want?" Harry questioned, his face still burning bright at the thought of Draco wanting to see him naked.
"Why did you run out on me before?" Draco asked softly, sitting across from him on Ron's bed.
"I told you. I don't like being treated like an idiot. Just because I take a little longer than everyone else to understand what's going on doesn't mean that I need to be babied."
Draco's eyes widened in shock, as he dashed across the room to sit beside Harry on his bed.
He reached over and grabbed Harry's hand staring straight into his eyes.
"You're not stupid, Harry. And I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I just wanted an excuse to study with you, but I didn't realise how wrong I went about doing it."
Harry was getting teary again.
"I-It's fine. I'm fine. I will be fine. I j-just, needed a moment," Harry stutters out.
Draco reaches up hesitantly before wiping away one of Harry's tears with his thumb.
"Hey. So, does that mean that you can teach me something instead? I heard that you've been doing well in transfigurations class recently, and I need some help with our most recent assignment." Draco asks, smiling softly.
"Are you sure? I mean, I really wasn't kidding when I say that I'm not very good at doing all of those questions and stuff."
Draco squeezes Harry's hand before removing them from his own. He reaches up and pokes Harry's cheek twice before exclaiming, "Harry," the name is emphasised, "I am sure. I don't know why you put yourself down like you do, but you are fine! Perfect in fact, although you probably don't want me to say so." Draco chuckles to himself.
Harry blushes at the compliment but says nothing.
"Hey. Harry."
Harry blinks in confusion. Draco has called him Harry twice in the past minute, and it creates a feeling of butterflies in his stomach.
Draco face darkens for a moment.
"Did you just call me by my first name?" Draco presses Harry.
"Say it again."
Harry hesitates for a moment, before whispering.
Draco's eyes darken further, although this time it becomes clear to Harry that those eyes are focused solely on him.
"Can I kiss you right now?" Draco asks, his gaze flitting between Harry's eyes and mouth.
Harry stops breathing, and for a moment Draco hesitates as if wondering if he has gone too far.
But within a second, Harry has pushed his hands into the blonde hair he had gotten to know so well from afar, and smashed his lips against Draco's.

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