Chapter Two

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It was the next day, and classes had been running smoothly all day. All that was left in Harry's class schedule was Potions class with Professor Snape.

Hermione was buzzing, not even Snape could bring down her mood. He was even maybe secretly impressed when Hermione had presented her new potion formula and a vial of it to class. Ron was similarly impressed, his cheeks glowing in pride at the sight of Hermione's success.

Today in Potions class, they had all been working through a whole list of formulas, removing one ingredient in a recipe each time to see how it affected the overall outcome of the potion. They had been working in pairs, a random draw from the class role.
Harry had been working happily alongside Dean Thomas when Snape called out to the class that partners were switching.
Harry was still concentrating on the potion he was in the middle of making, so he hadnt't realised that the new partner list had been called.
"Hey half-blood! Shove it. If you take much longer than this, the end of term will be here." Draco grumbles at Dean, who quickly leaves.
Silence falls over the table.
"Hey Potter. Oi. Potter." Draco is saying, becoming more disgruntled.
Draco lifts up his finger and starts prodding Harry's cheek.
Having not been aware of everything that had gone down over the last few minutes, the shock of Draco's finger touching his cheek startles Harry. In this state of shock, Harry accidentally lets go of the vial he is holding, the contents hitting the two boys before it smashes on the floor.
"What was that for Potter?! You got stuff all over me, now my robe is going to be..." Draco trails off as he notices that his body has started to become translucent.
"I-I was making an invisibility potion," Harry awkwardly mumbles looking down at his own body which is now barely visible.

At this point, Snape has become aware of the goings on at Draco and Harry's table.
"Potter! Malfoy! So you are the big bunch of dunderheads I usually have to teach. Go sit outside of the classroom until the potion wears off. Now!"
Harry and Draco quickly exit the classroom, moving to sit on the small bench that sits right outside.

"I'm really sorry Malfoy. I didn't mean it. I was just shocked is all." Harry trembles slightly, embarrassed to be making mistakes once more in Potions class.
Draco is silent for a moment before he scoots closer to Harry on the bench, his left leg now pressed into Harry's.
"I know," Draco says softly.
The two are now completely invisible.

Harry tries to reach into the pocket of his cloak to grab something, but finds himself accidentally brushing past Draco's hand, which is on the bench beside him.
Harry shivers from the touch, and his hand quickly jumps away and back into his lap.

"S-Sorry" Harry whispers, ready to crawl into a hole of his own making.

Harry feels Draco's breath on his face as he assumes Draco has turned in the intention of looking at him.

Not wanting to grab anything else in the process, Draco moves his hand to rest on Harry's leg.

The two sit like that in silence for a good 15 minutes before the potion begins to wear off.
In noticing this, Draco and Harry turn to look at one another, the smattering of red across their cheeks, brighter than the colour of the potion that Hermione had been making.

The door to the classroom suddenly opens, and the two dart away from each other.

"Harry!" Ron calls to him. "Snape says you guys can leave now. I think he mumbled something else under his breath, but the message still stands. Let's go!" Ron moves to grab Harry's hand, pulling him away from the bench.
He looks over to Draco who has his eyes on Harry's hand attached to Ron's and blushes, quickly averting his gaze and focusing on Ron.
"Okay..." Harry says softly, slightly disappointed, as he allows himself to be pulled away by Ron.

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