03|Bonding Bliss.

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After Tahir walked me to her room I thanked him before knocking on the door. He left before i entered.

A loud "come in" which i complied to impulsively was heard immediately after. I turned the knob and walked in to a shrilling Khadijah. By now I've come to believe and understand that she and Amna have perfectly working throats.

She rose to hug me and i reciprocated before greeting the other woman who was introduced to me as Kyda, Jawad's wife.

We chatted a little before i made myself busy with the pair of three month old babies. Amrah (Khadijah and Tahir's daughter) and Abdullah (Kyda and Jawad's son). They were both cute and chubby and lovely and I couldn't get enough of them.

I've always been a goner for Babies but never have i ever had the privilege of actually holding one until Amrah. So it's all new to me and it's something i love doing already.

I played with the kids and bonded with the women who talked me into growing comfortable with them because they are already a huge part of my life now. They said we were now basically sisters, i smiled at how it tasted on my lips. Sisters.

Which reminds me, i haven't actually talked to Bashir since last night. That needed to be changed but i brushed it aside at the moment and concentrated in trying to make the softballs giggle. Even the sound was delicious to my ears.

The way they made sounds made me giggle along with their cute ones.

Unfortunately for me, they both began crying as if on cue together. I had no other choice but to hand them over to their mothers who tended to them respectively. Amrah slept a little bit after getting fed while Abdullah cried at the top of his lungs until i suggested to back him. Within 5 minutes both babies were fast asleep.

Half an hour later Amna came barging into the room. She threw off her hijab a few seconds later.

It seems like this house has no rule for knocking, they all just barge in and out whenever they want. Because of the noise she made Abdullah moved in his sleep making me immediately scoot over to his side and rub his tummy, just like Khadijah taught me to when i used to live at Ya Ayshah's. The soft sigh that escaped his lips indicated to me that he has resumed sleeping.

I greeted Amna after that and she squealed at acknowledging my presence. It just registered to her that i was in the room too. This time around Abdullah woke up completely and burst into tears. His mother took him in her arms immediately.

I rolled my eyes discreetly before moving closer to her and hugging her.

I've never seen her sad in my life. She has this type of bubbly and friendly personality that is contagious.

"Guys i have an announcement to make" She squealed jumping around.

"You do?" Kyda and Khadijah simultaneously responded "Speak!"

"There is a Human growing within this" She pointed at her stomach sporting a huge grin.

"Alhamdulillah" Kyda breathed out, smiling too.

Khadijah however, got up first and hit Amna's arm, rendering us speechless with gaping lips. "And you idiot thought it good to jump around like a fool" She reprimanded her friend before enveloping her into a hug. Not the 'squeeze my heart out' type but a comforting one.

Cherishing Fatimah (Sequel To Unraveling Fatimah) 📍ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now