Chapter 6: Bully Problems

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(A/N: this chapter and the next one is purely about the Arkos duo. And I have a good idea on how to show off their power level, as I've already done their semblances, but that'll be done in next chapter.)

Jaune winced, as he was pushed back by a blow his Shield blocked, from Cardin's Mace. 'This guy isn't playing fair.' He blocked another blow and swung his sword, catching it on Cardin's shoulder. 'He's kinda weak for some reason though.' He realised.

Cardin was fairing very well in the fight. Because of his semblance, Jaune had a very large Aura supply. And he was wearing Armour, which amplified its main use.

He was, however, playing dirty. He kept kicking at Jaune's feet as he swung. But Jaune leaned back to evade the swing of his opponents Mace, and Head butted him, sending him sprawling on the floor.

The buzzer sounded and Glynda Goodwitch walked on stage. "As you can see, Students, Mr. Winchester's Aura is now in the red." She pointed to the screen. "In a usual duel against a rogue hunter, this will mean they are on there on they're last legs. But in a tournament style duel, this is depicted as the opponent's loss." She lectured, causing the Students, especially Ruby, Yang, and Nora to become ecstatic. "Do not forget the Vital festival is coming up in no less then 6 months time. And it is, this season, being sponsored by our kingdom. So be prepared to be on your best behaviour."

She then gave a glare towards Cardin. "Resorting to dirty tricks constantly in a fight is what cowards do. You have been in one detention to many, Mr. Winchester. Any more actions like these and I will talk to the headmaster about having you expelled." She scolding, causing Cardin to growl.

Glynda then turned to Jaune. "Mr. Arc. It seems that your family's hunting genes have been passed down to you, as expected." Jaune sheepishly rubbed the back of his head at the praise.

Pyrrha watched from the audience, staring at Jaune with adoration. 'Brilliant. He's an exceptional fighter.' She then glared at Cardin, who stormed off. 'More then I can say for him.' She seethed.

Cardin POV

'Damn that freakishly strong bastard.' I seethed. 'Getting in my way, embarrassing me. Who does he think I am?! Hell does he even know who I am?!' As I walked into the cafeteria, I noticed a bunny Faunus, sitting at a table. 'She's alone...' I thought. 'I'll teach her, her place. Why is her kind here?!'

Pyrrha POV

We were gathered at the cafeteria, eating lunch. Zwei was eating out of a bowl under the table. And I've already seen Ren and Nora together, but I didn't expect Ruby and Weiss to be acting almost the same way.

"Come on Weiss! Say ah~!" She moved a piece of her pasta bolonaise on a fork towards her girlfriend, with her tail wagging, who was blushing. "Ruby, I told you, not in public!" She scolded, but I couldn't see much malice in it.

Yang sighed. "There they go again... Gods, have you two ever heard of privacy?" Blake smirked a little, but was otherwise occupied with her book.

Ruby stuck her tongue out at her. "You're just jealous, because your little sister got a lover before you!" "Not true!" Yang stuck her tongue back out at her.

Nora giggled. "So when are you and Jaune gonna get together, Pyrr?" She asked.

I spluttered, and Jaune nearly choked on his food. "Wha? What brought that up?!" I asked her, embarrassed, as I tried to help Jaune swallow his food.

Nora shrugged. "Well, you always hang out with him, and do stuff with him." Ren nodded. "She's got a point, I know you two are partners and all, but you two are together as often as Ruby and Weiss are lately, or for that matter, me and Nora."

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