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was a village named Kieferburg Village.
In this village, the busy crowds never stop moving until night arrived.
Merchants yelling out items to sell,people tirelessly working, the church bells ringing.
The people were very religious and always make sure to say "May God bless you".
Anyone who was not familiar to the villagers of Kieferburg were view with suspicion.
The market of the village wasn't exactly quite the cleanest, nor was it the dirtiest.
The village often had lots of rats squirming for food to eat and the rats often caused disease.
The houses were cramped and lumped together, on rainy days the road often became muddy.
There was also child labor, children who worked from to day until night.
The children had no choice but to work to help their parents.
Some even died working, and most kids often had bruises, and often not enough food to eat.
Labor was often backbreaking in the village.
However even in hard times, such as a plague, the people prayed to God for help.
On Sunday, people always went to church to pray to God.
However those who didn't go to church on Sunday weren't trusted, and some were even feared.
Some were even called witches and sometimes burned at the stake just for not going to church.
Yet, one of these villagers were quite extraordinary, and to some called a blessing or miracle from God.
Lebkuchen was that person.
She was a extraordinary nun for her age, despite being sixteen,she carried on,
baking sweets for the villagers. She was a blessing in hard times such as famine.
She would always help the people in need in such of hard times.
People really thought she was a blessing because of her kindness, and willingness to do so.
Yet, when someone ever tried to ask about her childhood, Lebkuchen wouldn't say.
She would always be in a trance, her mind thinking about it.
She would be thinking about the past, memories she hated, memories that haunted her.
Little did anyone know, she hated her past very much and feared when anyone found out about it.
As time came on, people decided to stop asking about her childhood.
However people's curiosity was never truly satisfied, and still gossiped in secret.
There of course was gossip and rumors that Lebkuchen or Leb had a stepmother of sorts.
All though,Lebkuchen or better known as "Leb" as in the village, she confirmed that she did have a stepmother, only to a very few people she trusted and knew.
Those she felt were really important to her, and her childhood as a whole.

Lebkuchen as she was in bed, turning around and around, restless of the memories that still haunted her at night when no one was around. The truth was, she wasn't perfect like everyone else. In reality, she never wanted to become a nun in the first place despite being a Christian herself.
In fact, the reason she became a nun in the first place was to get away from "them".

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