"The End"

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It all started back 10 years ago,when her parents were on hard times.
She was just like any other commoner back then.
Lebkuchen back then was shy,had a tendency to cry at times.
She often had hard times speaking in front of people by herself.
Her parents were on hard times, her father often being cold to Leb, not even saying hi to her at times, or even paying attention to her.
Her mother was ill and they couldn't afford to get medicine, but even in hard times,her mother always made sure to comfort Lebkuchen at times especially when Lebkuchen was on the verge of crying.
Lebkuchen always feared of her mother being dead.
Especially being dead in front of her. That thought terrified Lebkuchen to no end.
To calm Lebkuchen down, her mother would often sang a lullaby when Lebkuchen was a child.
Lebkuchen often felt better when her mother sang the lullaby to her. She felt more comfortable.
However, there was one person she wish she could get affection from, her father.
Her father was cold and serious all of the time Lebkuchen saw him.
She wish she could get some family time with him as well. Just some wouldn't hurt.
However, Lebkuchen often loved hearing to stories, so her mother told verses of the Bible, and fairy tales to her.
The biblical stories and fairy tales always fascinated Lebkuchen.
Her favorite of the stories was Little Red Riding Hood.
However ever since Leb's mother was very ill, she would tend to cough and sneeze at times, she also didn't have a strong body so she had to lie down for long periods of time.
Her mother's room wasn't exactly large, it was pretty small, but the mattress was large enough to fit her mother.
However before her mother became very ill, Lebkuchen would always remember when during before Christmas, she and her mother would always have some time to make gingerbread or sweets.
After her and her mother baked the sweets or gingerbread,Leb smelled like ginger, so her mother would playfully call her "My Little Ginger Girl".
Leb always smiled when her mother called her by that.
After Christmas was over, Lebkuchen and her mother ate the gingerbread together after being used as decorations for the tree.
Lebkuchen was very happy along with her mother, and both prayed to God for the new year ahead.
Decorating the Christmas Tree was also one of Lebkuchen's favorites.
She would always would be in awe of how the tree sparkled even in the dim moonlight with the decorations.
How it's shiny bright light from the moon shining into the only window they had was enough for her.
However a fateful day changed Leb forever,one that would change Leb for who she was.
Perhaps her entire life forever.

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