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Carter excused himself later to go take care of a Press Release even though that's my job to do , Carter said something about also taking care of an Anchor

Cade , Jayson and I laid in the bed until my belly growls to which then we head into the kitchen to get some food Seems Cade had the kitchen stocked with food while we were out earlier

Checking what was in the fridge and pantry I found things to make Tacos which I knew Neeva has had them before because I've fixed them and she loved them
So I began to mix the spices up then got the ground beef out
Once I got the beef browned and drained I added the spices a little at a time until it was seasoned just right

Letting it simmer I Then set about Making Pico De Gallo  letting that sit I found corn tortillas to use

While I worked on the food Cade and Jayson talked ever once in a while they would say They loves the idea of me being Naked cooking for them the only thing I had on was an Apron to keep from making too much of mess on myself

Grabbing the lettuce and cheese out of the fridge as I placed it on the island to chop up the lettuce my phone rang  I knew it was mine from the ring tone

Leaving the lettuce I went to find my phone which was in the Bedroom I found it on the nightstand grabbing it as it stopped ringing

Looking at the screen it was mom
Ugh I thought to myself
Bringing the phone into the kitchen laying it on the island
I went back to work on the lettuce
Chopping it up to use as a topping for the tacos

" Annabelle What are you making it smells delicious " Cadence asked as he brushes up against me sending shivers down my body just from his light touch

" Tacos "

" Tacos" He Questioned

" Yes and believe me you will love them I know Neeva does she request me to make them a lot" I say to him

" Mmm " He said with a slight grin on his face

" Don't knock it till you try it " I said

I was in mid chop of the knife into the lettuce when my phone went off again

Looking at the phone it was Mom again

" hello "
" Oh Annabelle are you whoring yourself for a Sheikh I swear I raised you better than that You should have stayed here and Married Gavin like you were supposed too it's all over the news here "

" How did you "

" Because Annabelle I know that scar anywhere when I saw it I knew it was you even if your face was blacked out and why was he carrying you "

" Mom don't "

" You need to get your ass back here and redeem yourself with Gavin he can make it all go away "


" Don't You yell at me Annabelle you do as you are told "

" NO Mom I won't go back and I will Never Ever Marry Gavin " I yell into the phone

Cadence took my phone from me

" Mrs Thompson , This Sheikh Hussein , I will never let or allow Annabelle to leave this country not with out Myself, My Cousin Carter Hussein or my Best Friend Jayson Khan She is our Wife and if you think for one moment I will let that Bastard Gavin Matthews come near her , You need your head examined Until you Accept that Do Not Call her anymore " Cade said as he hung up the phone on her placing it on the island

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