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Waking up in a cold dark place the place smelled of blood permeated the place
I heard groaning coming from in front of me it was too dark to see who or what it was all I could tell was there was something there

I knew I was tied with zip ties to a chair it wasn't a very comfortable one if I moved the wrong way the wood pinched my leg I had a gag in my mouth

The floor creaked above me  as someone walked across the floor then I heard heavy footsteps coming down a set of stairs that creaked as they walked down them

The flick of a light then I could see shadows move through the blindfold

Some one yelled it was really muffled

"What's that you say " A voice I didn't recognize said

I hear more muffled yelling

" Oh you want me to let them go ... Well let me say Im not going to,  Bossman wants me to deliver them to him and from the looks on your face I can see this going to fun torturing you  with what I will do to them before I deliver them " The voice said

The sound of punching filled the air then a few muffled screams

" Now Now you will sit there and be quite I need to have a conversation with the Lovely Annabelle Hussein if you don't I'll inflict more pain " the asshole said

The cover was removed from my face and a blinding light was shined into my eyes so I couldn't see anything

A body moved in front of the light blocking it but all I could still see were spots from the blinding lights

" Now Annabelle Hussein, I have someone that really wants you and is paying good money for me to deliver you to him and before I do I want to know why he wants you so bad I mean You are beautiful but why would he risk his life for you because once the Sheikh Is notified you have been kidnapped he's going to  lose his shit and the bossman might just lose his life so tell me why does Gavin Matthews want you so bad "
The gag was removed from my mouth

" Fuck You "
" Now listen up little bitch I normally don't beat women to bad but you keep that up I will now answer the fucking question "

" Your guess's is as good as mine as to why he wants me " I answered

"Well he did say I could do anything I wanted to you as long as the marks weren't visible and he also said as payment I could fuck you as many times as I want until I deliver you to him "
The guy said he stood about 6' medium build had two scars down the side of his face one went under his eye long the top cheekbone
The other went straight down the side to his neck

A phone rang and he stepped away the light blinding me again I closed my eyes to keep from being blinded too much
I heard the click  of the light switch and it goes dark in the room I open my eyes I still see spots but not as bad it takes me a few minutes to adjust to the fact there is no light
I know that the asshole is still in the room I didn't hear him go back up the stairs I can see the flow from his phone it's lighting up his face

Also I can hear another voice they are yelling but I can't make out what they are saying then I hear the dial tone

"Well it seems I will have more time with you " The asshole said

The room was dark again then he turned on his flashlight from his phone and flashed me in the face to blind me again then I felt his hands on my neck raising the gag back up I wouldn't open my mouth for him to put it in until he got mad and stomped on my foot causing me to scream then he shoved the gag back in
I had tears in my eyes put I wouldn't let the fall to give him the satisfaction of me crying

I heard muffled yelling again from in front of me but I could only see an out line of a person
And that they were also tied to a chair

" I see you staring over there wondering who that is , soon you will know but for now let me keep it a secret " he said as he covered my face again immersing me into total darkness

I tried to say I needed to pee around the gag it was so muffled I'm not sure he understood

The cover came off and he slides the gag out of my mouth

" I need to pee" I say as soon as the gag is out of my mouth

" Fine " He said
Feeling a rope go around my writs then the zip ties being cut off
" Stand Up "
I slowly stand up
" Follow me "
He pulls me along counting the steps in my head to the where ever he is leading me
To the stairs
He picked me up carried me up the steps

Then the brightness from the upstairs was making seeing through the cover somewhat easier

He dropped me in the bathroom removed the cover
" Go "
I walked over to the toilet
"Can you add least turn so I can have some privacy "

He didn't answer he just turned holding the rope

I used the bathroom though challenging to wipe with my wrist tied together but I did

Flushed and washed my hands

I could see myself in the mirror I was bruised from his slap earlier there was a hand print on my face

He took me back downstairs and tied me back to the chair then left me

Several hours later the basement door opens again and heavy footsteps come down the steps and towards me
The cover was taken off my head
It was much brighter in here now I could see better when I got to look around I saw who the other person was


He was bruised he had a cut above his eye that had stopped bleeding

He was asleep well I hope he was I stared at him for a few minutes to make sure he was breathing and finally I saw his chest rise and fall

" I see you have found who is here with you he's a stubborn  but that's okay so am I , Now I  can play with you for a little while so up "
He untied me pulling me up leading me across the room

He pulls my clothes off me leaving me in my bra and underwear
Then tied me to a St Andrews  Cross that is standing in the middle of the basement
He can walk around it which is what he did

" I can see why Gavin and The Sheikh are so into you, You have a beautiful body I bet The Sheikh loves fucking You oh and those other two, Now tell me do they take you two at a time one in that pretty pussy and one in that ass of yours " he asked as he pulled my hair jerking my head back

" Fuck you "
" Oh Darlin I will " he says as he slaps me across the face

He lets go of my hair then steps back , Hearing the crack of a whip then it cracks again landing on my back
I bite my lip to keep from screaming in pain , he definitely doesn't know how to use it well

I hear Jack's muffled screams as the whip lands again across my bare back over and over again

"Just scream and Ill stop I want to hear you scream for me to stop " he says with a laugh

I shake my head no I will not give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream

The whip lands several more times I feel light headed and I succumb to the darkness to take me away from the pain

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