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Waking up again I was extremely warm Why was I so warm ... Wait there is a body behind me and in front of me
My eyes pop wide open to see the Chest of a Man I follow the chest up to the face of Cade

His body was pressed up against me his pants were soft against my legs
I looked down to see I did have a shirt on not mine it smells like him , I have his dress shirt on
Then I feel the body behind me move and press up against my ass their hand is on my hip under the hem of the shirt

Taking in deep breath I can smell Carter

Do I want to wake them up or can I slip out of their hold

I wiggle the hand on my hip grips it
Staying still for a second then I wiggle again
The hand grips my hip a little harder
" Little One Stop wiggling or something is going to pop up "

Immediately I stopped moving and sucked in a breath

" Stop Teasing her , Kitten do you feel better"

" Some What  yes I'm just a little hungry  Sir" I say

" No need to say Sir Kitten I'm Cade or Cadence which ever you prefer for now Sir will come later" he says

" I'll get us something to eat something light as to not upset your stomach by the way how much wine did you have " Carter asked

" I have no idea all I know is it was a lot stronger than what I'm use to and I can say I don't want any more for awhile " I say as I roll over on to my back still in between them
Carter had his shirt off too his chest was as defined as Cade's both have a light covering of chest hair

Both look down at me , Carter has bright blue eyes like Cade does and right now they are looking at me like I'm a mouse and they are the cat

"Once you eat we will talk about the scars that are down your back Annabelle and from what Carter told me we will talk about the phone call you got yesterday " Cade said with that Tone that leaves no room for discussion

" Fine I'll tell you but I'm just going to say you will not like it then we will not talk about anymore " I tell them both

Carter got out the bed first then I scoot to the side he got out and stood up falling into him his arms went around me
" Easy Little One " He said as he scooped me up then put me back down on the bed In Cade Lap who had sat up

" Hold her until I bring the food in then I will get her " Carter tells Cade

So I sat in Cade's lap laying my head on his shoulder as I waited
Carter came back in with a tray full of food and Jayson

" Alright Little One Up " Carter said as he picked me up off Cade's lap and carried me to the table he put me in the chair

" Eat then we will talk " Cade said

I stare at the food for a moment or two then pick some fruit , a bagel to eat

" That's not enough to eat Baby Girl " Jayson Said

Looking at him he gave me a smile a panty dropping one

I dropped my eyes back down at my plate and began to eat what was on it
As I finished the fruit some scrambled eggs were put on it
Following the spoon the hand up the arm to the Face of Jayson he gave me another smile

" I told you that you needed more so eat up and here have either juice , Milk or tea " he says

" I'd Prefer Coffee But Tea will do " I say
" Noted " Jayson replied

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