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It's been 6 weeks since Cadence was shot he's has been through three infections , one restart of his heart , two more surgeries to fix his shoulder which was going to happen anyway they just hoped he would have been awake for them, he's breathing on his own but not awake
They don't know why he hasn't woke up

Between , Carter, Jayson , Myself and the Nurses we move Cades legs and arms throughout the day and night to keep his muscles from becoming to weak

I'm 12 Weeks Pregnant Jayson and Carter have been helping me with my duties as Queen since Cadence is still Hospitalized, We are still living at the hospital which came in handy this morning when I passed out due to exhaustion and dehydration because of the Morning Sickness
I have been in this hospital bed next to Cadence for two days because I didn't want to be put on a different floor and besides The Nurses have all gotten use to me being here and told the Doctors they would watch over me

I'm not allowed out of the bed unless someone is the room with me which technically there and I did try that earlier saying I did have someone in the room and Carters response was they have to be awake
Damn it

Laying in the bed on my side I watch Cade sleep Longing for him to wake up so I can tell him he's has two little ones coming
He stirs around moving his legs then moves his arm lifting it up then putting it back down
His eyes open then close
" Damn it's bright "

" Cadence " I say softly

" Annabelle "

I climb out of the bed slowly and go to him taking his hand squeezing it

" Cadence " I say again
" Annabelle you are okay "

" Oh God " I say as hug him as best I could Between the IV line and the other cords attached him

He lifts his arms up hugging me tightly

Letting go I stand up
His eyes travel down my body

" Annabelle your pregnant "
" Yes My Sheikh you are going to be a daddy to Twins " I say with a grin

" What How... I know how ... How far along "

"12 Weeks , you have been out for 6 weeks Mister just relaxing around letting your Wife do all your work let me say that's one job I don't want There Are a Few People that you deal with that Don't like a Woman in Power and lets just say Carter and Jayson had sort of move into your office with me so that the one jerk would back off but before you get to upset Your Father joined me one day and the jerk was so scared he actually pissed his pants " I say with a grin

Cadence just laughed and winced at the same time

" You need to take it easy for a few days until your body gets use to being awake , I'm going text The guys to tell them your awake they went out for food "

The door opens and Jayson , Carter and Jack come in

" What are you doing out of Bed Annabelle you know your to stay off your feet " Carter Yells

" Carter hush she was telling me what has been going on since I have been out "

" Cadence " both yell

They came over to him hugged him tightly as they could and gave kisses to him and to me

" Did she tell you " Jayson Asked
" About our impending arrivals of twins, yes but not about why she should be off her feet" Cadence growls

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