a new house and enrolling into a school!!!

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(i think it is time to get u a place in kouhai and go to school there) said bahamut making him surprised

~(issei pov)~

bahamut had just told him that he would need to go to school with devils and find a new home issei just stood their and didn't know what to even say to him issei was just confused on why he had to go to school cause he is 17 years old so whats the point on going to school for 2 more years this had made issei even more confused.

"why should i go to school i understand about the house but school whats the point if i am just gonna go to school for 2 years" asked issei with confusion.

the dragon sighs and then started to explain to him like always.(look issei i know you don't like school but you will have to and for the devils part i cant say but just trust me on this one okay issei) said bahamut with a bit of an annoyed tone for having to explain to him and also keeping the devil part a secret from him because he wants him to gain his first ally and a peerage member but issei doesn't need to know tho so that's why bahamut isn't going to tell issei about it.

"fine" was all issei had said

~next day~

bahamut had woken issei up in the morning and told him that he had to get a move on to find a house to live in but issei had asked bahamut how since he doesn't have any money but bahaumat just told him to look in his void dimension that he keeps his stuff at issei just nodded and looked but issei was now in shock because it was 100k in the void dimension issei just shrugged it off since he knew bahamut was full of mysteries...

issei had left the forest and went into the streets of a waterfall near kouhai town issei was enjoying the view of the waterfall that had a beautiful sunset shine since its at least in the morning issei had kept walking for a couple of more minutes he finally had made it into kouhai he kept walking around the place finding a good house to live in.

he found many places but not the one he was looking for issei had looked at least 5 housed that where nice and each of them have 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms and a kitchen living room and a dining area but issei was looking for a house that at least 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a kitchen and a huge dining room and a living room with some closets and a training room and at least have a 2 story house for him.

he kept on looking at many houses looked kind of sketchy so he decided to go north and finds that perfect place that he will buy

it had beautiful door that is made out of dark wood and the outside of the house had a awesome look to it(don't know how to explain the details of the house i will do my very best) and have a great area and vibe to it.

issei had decided to buh this house so he went on his phone that he just gotten from the store where he stopped at first because he was thirsty and looked around the store and found this phone so issei thought it was a good idea to get so he can keep in contact or call someone if he needs to..

so he called the seller and he answered the call

""hello may i help you"" said the seller of the house

"umm yes i wanted to ask if i can buy this house in ******** street"

""ahh yes yes i will come right away"" said the seller and hanged up on him

after a couple of minutes of waiting the seller had came and sold the house to issei and he told him that there are no worries of buying furniture for this house.

the seller had left while issei had got the keys and unlocked the door and went inside to his new home issei started smiling and decided to clean up after a bit of cleaning issei had made a bunch of close that he likes and some armor into a closet then issei went into the living room looking at the couches after a bit of exploring of the house bahamut told issei that he still had to enroll into this school called kouh high issei got annoyed and then got himself enrolled into the school issei decided to visit his school just to see what it looks like.

once issei got there he noticed that it used to be a all girl school but now they are excepting boys into the school issei had found out by reading the sign that exactly said it.

issei then felt a some magical energy will aura what he calls it but he sensed 2 high class devils and their 2 peerages in the school so issei decided to go home since tomorrow was his first day of school halfway he gotten hungry and went to the store and got a bunch of food for his house.

a couple of minutes had past he was in his house resting since it was evening at least 5:30 in the afternoon

"hey bahamut" said issei

(what is it issei) asked bahamut with a curious tone

"so what are we going to do in the future.."asked issei

(will to be honest i don't know whats going to happen but i need to tell you something important issei so listen carefully on what i am going to say) said bahamut while issei had nodded his head and listed carefully of what he is going to say to him

(issei you will have a rival that you will have to defeat one day and he is no joke he havent awakened yet but trust me he is not to be underestimated he had survived many wars in the past even god couldn't kill him with his full powers even great red couldn't bring him down issei this is your destiny to defeat him but don.t worry about that we will have a talk when it is time to get ready for him just focus on the present) said bahamut while issei had taken all of the information in

issei could tell that it was serious he was scared when heared about his rival that is stronger then great red but he didn't need to be worried right now he will have to deal with it when the time comes so issei didn't sweat it since he knew it was not the time.

issei has known about every supernatural being since bahamut had teached him about the great war and everything that he needed about every supernatural being..

issei decided to go to bed since it was 9;00 in the night and ge had to get ready for school tomorrow issei groaned and went upstairs and changed into his pajamas and fallen asleep on his bed comfy while snoring in his sleep..

(end of chapter)


im sorry if this was short and also im not a good ex plainer but at least i tried ....... hope you guys enjoy this chapter tho see ya guys in the next chapter byeee

i promise to make the next chapter a bit longer

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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