Lawrence meets solangelo 2

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It has been 2 weeks since Nico turned my down.I've still been following and watching him but he seems to notice more.I also found out about the people he hangs out around he hangs around someone name Perry then Annabelle a hackle someone named Reba a Theya and someone named Jack I think I didn't really pay attention to the names (Probably why all of the are wrong)

Time skip brought to you by Leo burning things

I walked into the school and into first period I sat behind Nico as usual but then the announcements went off.The person on the speaker said "Attention all students please come to the auditorium we have some special guests," Nico and all of his friends were in the same class as my I looked at theme and they were all as pale as the moon.We all headed to the auditorium and then took our seats.As usual I sat behind Nico.I forgot to mention that apparently something called the mist went down and demigods and God's are real so this maybe what it is about.So as I was saying I sat behind Nico when I actually looked at the stage there were 11 thrones and I assumed that the biggest one was Zeus.
Suddenly a big man walked onto the stage and sat on the biggest throne he said "Hello mortals I am the god Zeus god of thunder and lightning we gods have come here to embarrass our children becasue we can."
"WAIT THE ARE DEMIGODS HERE," I said in my mind.
Then Zeus said "Demigods please come up to the stage.Nico and his friends slowly walked up to the stage then Zeus said "state your names and your godly parents.They started with Jack who's real name was Jason "Um hi mortals my name is Jason and I am the son of Zeus or Jupiter," "Hi people my name is Piper you can call me Pipes and I am the daughter of Aphrodite," "hi I'm Percy and I am the son of Poseidon," "Hi I'm Annabeth the daughter of Athena and the started person in the school except for my mother," Hello comrades my name is William Solace But you can just call me Will and I am the son of Apollo", " Hi I'm Nico Di Angelo son of Hades and can we just sit down?" "No I am forcing you to stand," said Zeus "know continue," "Hi I'm Thalia daughter of Zeus and huntress of Artemis and if you try to date me I will harm you," "Hello friends I am Hazel daughter of Pluto." And finally "Hi I'm Reyna daughter of  Bellona and watch yourself."

When they finished talking many people had questions including me I DIDN'T KNOW THE BOY I LIKE WAS GODLY.

Then the Gods and there demigod children walked of the stage and never came back to the school.

And that's how I met the gods and there demigod children.

P.s Hope you are having a good day/night.😊

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