Seperate Ways

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*as the six look at the mountain*

[bird screeches]

Lord Tirek/Lady Tirana: *serious* Scale the mountain...

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *serious*...retrieve Grogar's Bell...

Cozy/Comfy: *in winter attire*...together!

Cozy- *happily shows them a map* We drew up a detailed plan with several visual aids to show how we can... *sees the other four went off by themselves* ditch each other and do it alone.

Comfy- *smirks wickedly and throws the map away* Maybe when we're waiting for them at the top, then they'll appreciate us.

*the two fly off*

Midnight/Nightfall- *blasts magic from their horns creating three separate portals to see each of the villains* *smirks* Now we can see how each of them attempt to scale the mountain...

Dark Water Twilight/Dark Water Dusk/Mean Twilight/Mean Dusk- *smirks slyly and watches*

[wind whistling as Chrysalis and Metamorphosis land and walk through the forest]

[different creatures growling and a shadow like monster comes close to them]

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *smirks at each other* Oh, please. [turns and hisses at the monster]

[the monster whimpers and shrinks away]

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *smirks* As if anything on this mountain is scarier than we. [chuckles and walks ahead]

Mean Twilight- *impressed* Asserting dominance to the creatures on the mountain.

Mean Dusk- *scowls* If they were "reformed changelings" then it would be a different story.

*Tirek and Tirana walk by the ravine and see the mountain*

Lord Tirek: [takes some dirt and blows it towards the mountain]

[the wind blows the dirt back in his face]

Lord Tirek: [coughs, spits]

Lady Tirana- *looks seriously at him and nods*

*the two walk off*

Dark Water Twilight- *notices* The force of the winds surrounding the mountain are too forceful for all of them to get through individually no matter what obstacle.

Dark Water Dusk- *smirks* They're gonna have to work together regardless...

[wind whistling as Cozy and Comfy come across a house]

[door opens, closes revealing a male pony with a bucket on his head]

Rusty Bucket: *looks out* Halt! Who goes there? *sees Cozy and Comfy* Ponies? *shocked* There ain't been ponies around here in I-don't-know-how-many moons!

*the two smirk wickedly at each other then shed innocent fake tears*

Cozy Glow: [whimpering] Oh, golly, good sir. Were just poor lost ponies looking for help.

Rusty Bucket: *sincere* Aw, don't fret, little filly and little colt. Ol' Rusty Bucket here, at your service.

Comfy: *false sincerity* I'm so glad we found you. We need help getting to the top of the mountain.

Rusty Bucket: Uh, no can do, sir.

Cozy/Comfy: *angrily yelling* WHY NOT?!

[the snow starts rumbling]

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